Friday, October 31, 2008


MP3 Available Here



PASTOR CHRIS HATTON, Blue Point Bible Church, Blue Point, Long Island, NY

PASTOR MEINT PLOEGMAN, Orthodox Presbyterian Church of Bohemia, Bohemia, Long Island, NY

PASTOR AL STEIN, Neighborhood Assembly of God, Bellmore, Long Island, NY

PASTOR DANIEL WEST, The Potter's House of Rhode Island, Providence, RI

Thursday, October 30, 2008


MP3 Available Here

JAMES SWAN, who is involved in teaching ministry at the Pompton Plains Reformed Bible Church in New Jersey, will address "MARTIN LUTHER: MADMAN, HERETIC, PROPHET, OR REFORMER?"

October 31 marks the 491st anniversary of Martin Luther nailing the 95 Theses to the castle church door in Wittenberg Germany. Protestants all over the world mark this as the birth of the Protestant Reformation. Martin Luther is celebrated as a hero who stood alone against the tyranny of the Roman Catholic Church. Luther is heralded as a mighty voice proclaiming salvation by faith alone and scripture alone!

But who exactly was Martin Luther? A Madman? Modern-day psychologists speculate he was a man with mental disorders. They speculate Luther’s psychosis was inherent lust, secret vices, an overpowering sex drive, and an opposition to celibacy. These were Luther’s psychological reasons to abandon the Roman Church in his “attempt” to destroy her. Some see him as manic-depressive a product of an alcoholic parent, or a sufferer of the Oedipus complex that unknowingly pushed the reform movement forward.

Many Roman Catholics still view him as the great heretic who split the church, not only in half, but by his heresy created thousands of Protestant denominations. In his proclamation of sola fide and sola scriptura, Luther has lead countless lives away from the Roman Catholic Church. They claim God would never use such a sinful man to "reform" the Church which the gates of Hell can never prevail against.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, others have claimed Luther was a prophet. Some of the later generation Lutherans looked to him as an infallible authority in spiritual matters. Some like the Seventh Day Adventists insist Luther claimed himself to be a prophet. If Luther can claim to be a prophet, and be treated as a hero by Protestants, why can't Adventist founder Ellen White be a prophet of similar respect?

Was Luther a Reformer? Are Protestants correct when they extol the importance of his work in the 16th Century? How does one decide who exactly Luther was? Today James Swan will attempt to look at the many historical "Luthers", and give an overview of how worldviews effect historical analysis.

James is also a member of "Team Apologian", contributing articles to the blog on the web site of renowned Bible scholar Dr. James R. White's
Alpha and Omega Ministries , contributes Reformation articles for Christian apologist Dr. Eric Svendsen's New Testament Research Ministries' website, and has had articles published in the Reformed periodical, The Outlook . He also runs his own daily blog, Beggars All: Reformation and Apologetics , dedicated to historical and Biblical research on the Protestant Reformation.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


MP3 Available Here

JAMES SWAN, who is involved in teaching ministry at the Pompton Plains Reformed Bible Church in New Jersey, will address "WAS MARTIN LUTHER AN ANTI-SEMITE?"

October 31 marks the 491st anniversary of Martin Luther nailing the 95 Theses to the castle church door in Wittenberg Germany. Protestants all over the world mark this as the birth of the Protestant Reformation. Martin Luther is celebrated as a hero who stood alone against the tyranny of the Roman Catholic Church. Luther is heralded as a mighty voice proclaiming salvation by faith alone and scripture alone!

But did Martin Luther have a dark side? Many who oppose the Reformation today say that Martin Luther was not the "great Reformer" but actually a "great anti-Semite." Far from being a champion of human freedom, Luther preached hate against the Jewish people. Luther stated:

“Let their houses also be shattered and destroyed . . . Let their prayer books and Talmuds be taken from them, and their whole Bible too; let their rabbis be forbidden, on pain of death, to teach henceforth any more. Let the streets and highways be closed against them. Let them be forbidden to practice usury, and let all their money, and all their treasures of silver and gold be taken from them and put away in safety. And if all this be not enough, let them be driven like mad dogs out of the land.”

Those who oppose the Reformation wonder how Protestants can claim Luther was a hero of freedom and human dignity and neglect to mention such blatant hatred for an entire group of people? They question whether or not the Reformation Luther started against the Roman Catholic Church was a movement really interested in freedom and human dignity. They posit that perhaps Luther has been overly romanticized: the Church he fought against really wasn’t as bad as portrayed. Luther’s anti-Semitic statements prove unhesitatingly he could not have been a “Reformer” in any sense of the word. A true man of God could never say such awful things.

Today, James Swan tackles this controversial subject head on, as he discusses his paper Luther and the Jews, hosted on Christian apologist Dr. Eric Svendsen's New Testament Research Ministries' website. Luther and the Jews is one of the most in-depth treatments of this subject available on the Internet.

James is also a member of "Team Apologian", contributing articles to the blog on the web site of renowned Bible scholar Dr. James R. White's Alpha and Omega Ministries , contributes Reformation articles for Christian apologist Dr. Eric Svendsen's New Testament Research Ministries' website, and has had articles published in the Reformed periodical, The Outlook . He also runs his own daily blog, Beggars All: Reformation and Apologetics , dedicated to historical and Biblical research on the Protestant Reformation.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


MP3 Available Here

PASTOR CLENARD HOWARD CHILDRESS, JR., a black Pro-life activist, founder of Christians For Social Justice , founder of the website: (a website designed to reach the African American Community with the truth about abortion ), and Northeast Region President and Assistant to the National Director of Life Education And Resource Network (LEARN), will address the theme: "CAN AMERICA SURVIVE AN OBAMA NATION?"

In the words of our guest, Pastor Childress:

"The Democrat Party has for years given lip service to the African-American community. They have talked about prominence without fulfilling the promise. They patronize without empowering. Worst of all, this unholy bond has done more to decimate and deplete our community than slavery and Jim Crow laws ever could have accomplished. This allegiance has destroyed millions of our children; children created but denied access to the American dream, children aborted...

...Despite this deplorable behavior of our perceived leadership, the winds of change have begun to blow. Pastors and leaders in the Black community have begun to remember their roots and realize they are chained to mediocrity and complacency. There has been a consistent flow of Afro-Americans making their way back to freedom. This has sent shock waves through the present Democrat leadership. While we are yet somewhat in a vacuum of solid Afro-American leadership with true integrity (there are many on the horizon not yet recognized), we are once again being wooed by the oppressor’s ploys to stay on the plantation. Staying where there is little reward and where our lives and votes are taken for granted. Once again it is someone of our own ethnicity, our own race being used. The Democrats have deployed a new pied piper in a desperate attempt topreserve their self serving party...

...New face, same tune. The song being played is from the movie “The Culture of Death.” The goal is to fill the seats with Afro-Americans in the theater of apostasy. Why? Because if the current trend continues the Democrat party could soon be performing in their final act....

...Enter Sen. Barack Hussein Obama (D-Ill), who is truly turning out to be one of the greatest performers of all times. Obama’s biggest act is that he calls himself a Christian. Listen to this line. Obama stated, “As I travel around this state, I don’t get asked about gay marriage, I don’t get asked about abortion, I get asked ‘How can I find a job that allows me to support my family?’ I get asked, ‘How can I pay those medical bills without going into bankruptcy.’” (Taken from a reply to questions asked during the Ill. Senate campaign)...

...We are deeply troubled, but not surprised at the Senator’s remarks. One would only have to look at Obama’s consistent support and advocacy for the gay agenda and the abortion industry to understand. As a longtime activist for children in the womb (the most discriminated against segment of our society) and proponent for family values, I am horrified at this man’s voting record. Anytime Planned Parenthood gives you a 100% rating, all Americans should cringe in fear because they are the leading abortion provider in the nation....

...Each day, 1452 African Americans are murdered by abortion, 4,000 children over all....

...There have been over 15 million African American children dismembered in the womb by the abortion holocaust and as many women victimized....

...As an elected official, should anyone have to ask you about abortion to make it your concern? ...
...Marriage, since the 1970s, is down 17% in America and in the African Community it’s down 34%, which is twice the national average....

...Should Barack Hussein Obama again have to wait until someone asks him about the fundamental building block of all society? Shouldn’t he protect the sanctity of marriage? The truth is, someone has asked and how he has answered the question wasabysmal....

...The question was asked of Obama, should the heinous act of partial birth abortion be outlawed in America? Twice Sen. Obama answered no! When he was asked if a child, who might miraculously survive the sentence of death by abortion, be protected from an abortion doctor after surviving? Sen. Obama said no! (See Born Alive Victims Protection Law.) Has he no conscience? Is he misinformed on the facts of these barbaric practices? His response to these questions is not indicative of the Black community’s beliefs, and certainly shows a low degree of conscience and moral fiber....

...These six things the lord hates, yea seven are an abominationunto him, a proud look, a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood. (Proverbs 6:17)...

...There is no candidate running for the office of the presidency with a worse record than Sen. Barack Hussein Obama. His hands have aided and abetted the abortion industry’s slaughter of the innocent and no other community is affected by it more than the African American community. It’s an industry that targets Afro-Americans for profit at the expense of our children’s lives and the pain of Black women..."

Pastor Childress is also a member of the National Pro-Life Religious Council of Washington, DC and a Board member of the Center For Bio Ethical Reform , which is dedicated to educating the nation and foreign countries on the rights of the unborn. In addition to his tireless labors to rescue children in the womb from slaughter, he serves as Senior Pastor of New Calvary Baptist Deliverance Church in Montclair, NJ and is the author of No Shepherd's Cry.

To hear a previous interview with Pastor Childress on the topic address "ABORTION: A BLUEPRINT FOR BLACK GENOCIDE," click here.

Monday, October 27, 2008

GIANNA JESSEN: "IF BARACK OBAMA HAD HIS WAY I WOULD NOT BE HERE: The Testimony of a Survivor of Saline Abortion"

MP3 Available Here

GIANNA JESSEN, a Christian pro-life activist will give her truly powerful testimony: "IF BARACK OBAMA HAD HIS WAY I WOULD NOT BE HERE: The Testimony of a Survivor of Saline Abortion".

Gianna is a Christian. Her life was given to her by the grace of God. She shouldn't be walking, but more miraculous still; she should not even be alive. Gianna's biological mother was 17 when she had a saline abortion in her third trimester. Many Americans don’t realize it is legal to have an abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy. After being burned alive for approximately 18 hours in the womb from the saline solution, Gianna was delivered alive in a Los Angeles County abortion clinic. Her medical records state, "born during saline abortion"...this is what caused her Cerebral Palsy.

In Gianna's own words:

"Can you imagine not giving babies their basic human rights, no matter how they entered our world? My name is Gianna Jessen, born 31 years ago after a failed abortion. I’m a survivor, as are many others…but if Barack Obama had his way, I wouldn’t be here...

...Unfortunately, Barack Obama voted four times against affording these babies their most basic human right. I have serious concerns about Senator Obama’s record and views on this issue, given he voted against these protections four times as a state Senator. Just as abuse victims share their stories to educate the public, fight for the common good and hope that as a result politicians do what’s right, I felt it was important to come forward and give these new born babies a voice...

...I am living proof these babies have a right to live, and I invite you to learn more about Senator Obama’s record on this important issue."

Gianna's travels and experiences have led her all over the world. Her life has been covered by many major news media outlets, including, most recently, the BBC News and World Radio, Sky News, and The Good Morning Show in England, reaching many people with a message of hope and conviction. In November 2005, Gianna spoke in several colleges all over Ireland and in December of the same year, spoke at a meeting held at the House of Commons in London. She has returned to England this year to speak in several parochial and public high schools. Gianna’s audiences include: churches - church youth crusades and women’s ministry retreats; various corporations as a motivational speaker; secular and Christian youth organizations and schools – middle school age through college, as well as several times before Congress - most recently having her testimony read before the Supreme Court in Carhart v. Gonzales

In 1999 a gruesome discovery was made that an Illinois hospital was shelving babies to die in a soiled utility room who had survived their abortions.

The Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act was introduced in 2001 to provide legal protection to all born babies, wanted or not, including the right to medical care.

Then-state Senator Barack Obama voted against Born Alive 4 times in 3 years and was the sole senator to speak against it on the Senate floor in 2001 and 2002.

In 2002, the Federal version of Born Alive passed unanimously in the US Senate and by overwhelming voice vote in the House. The pro-abortion group NARAL even went neutral on the bill.

But In 2003, Barack Obama voted against the identical version of Born Alive in Illinois. Then, for the next 4 years he repeatedly misrepresented his vote until it was recently discovered in the IL General Assembly archives.

Explore to learn the shocking truth: Senator Obama opposed granting legal recognition to born alive infants as human beings, and thus denied them the guarantee of medical care.

Gianna is available for speaking engagements and can be contacted at

Saturday, October 25, 2008

UPDATE on "AN INNOCENT MOTHER FACES LIFE IN PRISON! The Hannah Overton Story" on ABC's 20/20

A very gentle and loving mother of 5 was sentenced on September 12, 2007, for failing to act or provide medical attention for her son, whom, unknown to her, had ingested something that would ultimately kill him. Nine months of CPS investigation could not find her guilty of child abuse. Ten months of the DA’s investigation and 8 days of testimony could not convince the jury that she purposely poisoned this little boy... Now five children are without a mother...

ABC News documented Hannah's story on the 20/20 broadcast for October 24. The story is currently on their homepage. a 20/20 article and video can be found here:

Exclusive: Mom Accused of Murder Speaks Out: Andrew Burd, 4, Died from Salt Poisoning; Hannah Overton Awaits Appeal in Case

To hear previous Iron Sharpens Iron broadcasts on Hannah Overton, click here.

A website,, has been created by friends in her church, Calvary Chapel Coastlands, to inform the public of this injustice and to rally national support for an overturning of this verdict in upcoming appellate courts. In the meantime, this Christian mother sits in jail with a life sentence without parole! Once one learns about some of the details of the case, the godly reaction is one of righteous anger.

Recently, Pastor John Otis sent the following for those of you concerned for Hannah:

Below are very important addresses and email addresses for key positions in the state of Texas for you to write about Hannah's miscarriage of justice.

Before I give them, let me encourage you from God's word about our responsibilites before God. If you are convinced of Hannah's innocence, especially after the 20/20 show last night, then it is imperative for you to follow through.

Jesus said that the extent to which we minister to believers in prison is directly related to ministering to Jesus (Matthew 25:39-40). We are to be doers of the word not hearers only (James 1:22).

Defending Hannah falls well into this category - “ Woe to those who enact evil statutes, and to those who constantly record unjust decisions, so as to deprive the needy of justice, and rob the poor of My people of their rights, in order that widows may be their spoil, and that they may plunder the orphans” (Isaiah 10:1-2).

It is time for thousands of Christians and concerned citizens to rise up in Hannah's defense and send letters and emails to appropriate bodies. Your letters will make a difference.

First, go to the comment page that ABC news has set up about this case and leave a comment. The webaddress is:

Second, go to the ABC affliate television station here in Corpus Christi and leave a comment on the viewing of 20/20 last night. Here is the web address to do that.

Third, help reinforce what a delegation of us pastors in Corpus Christi did back in March when we handed a seven page letter to representatives of the governor's office in Austin Texas stating that Hannah's conviction was a travesty of justice, and a blot on the judicial system of the state of Texas.

One of the governor's representatives was a lady named Dede Keith. Her email address at the governor's office is:

Write to her and tell her that you watched ABC's 20/20 broadcast on October 24 about the Hannah Overton conviction and that you cannot believe such incompetency in the Texas judicial system took place and that Governor Perry must see that this injustice is corrected.

You can send a physical letter to the governor of Texas. That address is: Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 12428
Austin, Texas 78711

Fourth, write to the Texas Attorney General's office about this travesty of justice. His email address is:

The physical address for the Attorney General's office is: Texas Attorney General
P.O. Box 12548
Austin, Texas 78711-2548

Fifth, you need to send a complaint to the Texas State Bar Association stating that you have followed the case of the unjust conviciton of Hannah Overton and that you watched the ABC news 20/20 special October 24 on this case. You need to register a complaint against the District Attorney of Corpus Christi, Carlos Valdez, and against the prosecuting attorney in Hannah's case, Sandra Eastwood. Eastwood, I believe perjured herself in the November 15, 2007 hearing where she under oath swore that Dr. Cortes never expressed his view that Andrew Burg's death was accidental. Dr. Cortes emphatically testified at that hearing and on 20/20 that he believed Andrew Burg's death was accidental and Hannah's conviction was unjust, and that he stated that to the DA's office 5 months before the trial; hence, a major violation of the Brady Law has been committed.

The address for The Texas State Bar Association is: Texas State Bar Association
Texas Law Center
P.O. Box 12487
Austin, Texas 78711

Sixth, Write the District Attorney's office here in Corpus Christi and state that you are appalled as a U.S. citizen that he and his office participated in this miscarriage of justice and ask for his and Sandra Eastwood's resignation. Mention that you watched the ABC news 20/20 special on Hannah, and could not believe that such a shoddy case was aggressively pursued by this office. District Attorneys are to pursue justice not unjust convictions to augment their careers.

That address is: Nueces District Attorney
901 Leopard St.
Corpus Christi, Texas 78401

Seventh, write a letter to the editor of the Corpus Christi Caller Times stating that you watched the 20/20 special on Hannah Overton and state that many Corpus Christi law abiding citizens are appalled that the Caller Times helped inflame an ungodly perception of the Overtons, leading to an unjust conviction.

This letter is to be done as an email:

I know this may take an hour of your time to write all of these places, but consider this. Hannah Overton has a LIFE SENTENCE WITHOUT PAROLE due to this travesty. What is an hour of your time, when this godly Christian mother needs our help? It is the least you can do. Don't think it won't make a difference, for it will. Above all, Jesus Christ is watching, and His approval is the most important of all.

May God vindicate Hannah Overton and free her soon.

Pastor John Otis- Corpus Christi

Friday, October 24, 2008


MP3 Available Here



REV. GABRIEL GROSSI, former pastor, itinerate Reformed Baptist evangelist and author of "Preaching With Biblical Passion" & "Preaching the Gospel Message"

PASTOR DON HOAGLANDER, West Sayville Reformed Bible Church, West Sayville, Long Island, NY

DR. RICHARD WILLIAMSON, Seaford United Methodist Church, Seaford, Long Island, NY

Thursday, October 23, 2008


MP3 Available Here

CAROLYN LEUTWILER, Children's Ministries Administrative Coordinator at Redeemer Presbyterian Church (PCA) in New York City, will address the theme of her new book: "SINGLENESS REDEFINED: Living Life to the Fullest".

Carolyn Leutwiler is a theologically Reformed Christian who was blessed to be raised in St. Louis, MO in a Presbyterian family who were members of the historic Covenant Presbyterian Church (PCA), where Francis Schaeffer preached in the 1940's. Having received the benefits of being nurtured in a biblically sound home obviously prepared her to respond with godly wisdom to the trials and challenges of remaining single in young adulthood longer than she had anticipated. As her web site,, explains her life now:

Carolyn Leutwiler is single. BUT, this no longer defines her! In her past, she was overwhelmed by a range of emotions, perspectives, and opinions on singleness. These experiences and the struggles of her single girlfriends caused her to consider how the Lord's Word speaks to single women. This led her on a journey of Scripture study and prayer, and ultimately to the penning of this book.

Carolyn currently resides in Manhattan, where she sings opera and writes. In addition, she is blessed to be on staff at Redeemer Presbyterian Church. Carolyn has led several Bible studies and has taken classes through Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, MO.

Singleness Redefined considers how women allow human opinion, rather than God's wisdom and love, to direct their lives. Carolyn shares practical ways to embrace His work of lifelong transformation. She emphasizes the importance of integrating Scriptural truths in the context of singleness, which leads to a life of productivity and fullness.

Co-hosting this program is Nancy A. Almodovar, founder of Silent Cry Ministries and author of "A Modern Ninety-Five: Questions Today's Evangelicals Need to Answer".

Both Carolyn Leutwiler and Nancy A. Almodovar are available for women's retreats and conferences. Contact Carolyn at and contact Nancy at

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

DANIEL WEST: "ONENESS BY DECEPTION, WON BY THE TRINITY: The Testimony of a Former 'Oneness' ('Jesus Only') Pentecostal" PART TWO

MP3 Available Here

DANIEL WEST, pastor of The Potter's House (Casa del Alfarero), a theologically Reformed assembly in Providence, Rhode Island, and a former member of the United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI), will continue to give his personal testimony of discovering and embracing the true God and Gospel of the Holy Scriptures: "ONENESS BY DECEPTION, WON BY THE TRINITY: The Testimony of a Former 'Oneness' ('Jesus Only') Pentecostal".

Daniel began this interview last week. Part one of his interview can be found here (broadcast 10/16/08)

Here is a letter written by our guest Daniel West to Alpha & Omega Ministries in Phoenix, AZ, founded and directed by well known Reformed Christian theologian, apologist and Bible scholar Dr. James R. White, that will give you a glimpse of today's fascinating discussion:

"Dear AOMIN:

About five years ago, the Sovereign Lord was gracious to me and my family in rescuing us from the grip of the United Pentecostal Church. We were serving as pastors a of new church plant for the UPCI in Providence, RI, when the Lord began to open my eyes and heart to the gospel of Jesus Christ. We were able to take along with us out of that cult about 15 others. One of the ministries that helped us out and continues play a role in my own personal spiritual development is AOMIN and Dr. White's books. I searched everywhere for biblical PROOF of the doctrine of the Trinity and could not find anyone with answers to my questions until I picked up a copy of "
The Forgotten Trinity". That book helped solidify in my heart and mind the soundness and biblicalness (is that a word?) of the Trinity.

Now, the group of 15 souls that the Lord was gracious to lead out of error into truth has grown to a reformed congregation of 250 people in the heart of the inner city of Providence, RI.

God bless you and AOMIN."

Please keep writing and serving our mighty Lord with the same resolve and strength of courage that are your trademarks.

Daniel West
The Potter's House (Casa del Alfarero)
Providence, RI

Visit the web site of Dr. James R. White of Alpha & Omega Ministries at for resources defending the biblical and historical truths of Christianity and refuting the heresies of "Oneness ('Jesus Only') Pentecostalism" and the aberrant teachings of other cults and world religions denying or distorting the true God and true Gospel of the Holy Scriptures.

To visit the English language version of Pastor West's church web site go to

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Here are some highlights from letters written to Iron Sharpens Iron guest GABRIEL GROSSI (Reformed Baptist evangelist and author of "Preaching With Biblical Passion) after his ISI interview, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH PREACHING TODAY?"

I was brought up in the Baptist church. However I am increasingly discouraged at the preaching, and churches not following the word of God. Please send me copy of your book Preaching the Gospel Message. It would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you and God Bless you, John

Hi Gabe,

I heard your interview on Iron Sharpens Iron and would like a copy of your book, Preaching the Gospel Message. I am a seminary student and have been dismayed at the quality of gospel preaching in my church as well as some I have visited. I will read your book and give you feedback.

Grace and Peace to you, Dan

Dear Mr. Grossi,

I was very interested to hear about your ministry through Iron sharpens Iron. I am a reformed Baptist who has been involved in city evangelism and some lay preaching which I have loved to do. After much prayer and searching I don't believe my calling is to be pastor but I feel that I must do whatever I can to spread the gospel of Christ to as many people as possible. I hope to continue to use tracts, personal witnessing and most of all preaching to accomplish that. Is there any where I can read more about your ministry. I would like to know how God called you into it. Do you preach in different churches as the primary work of your ministry? I would also like to ask for a copy of your book.

Thanks a lot, Joshua

Mr. Grossi is offering his book "Preaching the Gospel Message" FREE of charge to anyone seriously interested in learning more about the True Gospel and who promises to read it. You can contact him at (973)299-1579 or send him an email at

Friday, October 17, 2008

BARUCH MAOZ: "JUDAISM IS NOT JEWISH: A Friendly Critique of the Messianic Movement"

MP3 Available Here

BARUCH MAOZ, pastor of a Reformed Baptist assembly in Israel called Grace & Truth Christian Congregation, will address the theme of his controversial book: "JUDAISM IS NOT JEWISH: A Friendly Critique of the Messianic Movement".

Baruch was born into a Jewish family in Boston, MA, in 1943 and after the divorce of his parents he immigrated with his mother and brother to Israel at the age of 10. He concluded there was no God at an early age and remained a bitter and agressive atheist through young adulthood. While serving in the Israeli army he met and befriended a Christian family. After rejecting and resisting the Christian teaching of these friends for two years, Baruch was finally saved by our merciful, Sovereign Christ at the age of 20.

At the age of 30, following the October 1973 War, Baruch joined with Christian Witness to Israel (CWI). His desire was to help produce and promote Christian literature that is clearly Reformed in its theology. To that end HaGefen Publishing was founded. Baruch participated in the translation and editing of the International Bible Society's Annotated New Testament project in Hebrew, the founding and editing of an International Journal on Jewish Evangelism and in various national Christian bodies which are now part of the local Christian scene. HaGefen now produces Israel’s one and only Modern Hebrew Bible, of which Genesis to II Kings has been produced and work on the remainder of the Bible continues.

In 1976, separate from CWI but with their blessing, a local church was founded, Grace & Truth Christian Congregation. Its Affirmation of Faith and by-laws are distinctively Reformed and Baptist. Baruch remains in Israel to this day pastoring this congregation, and proclaiming the glorious Gospel of Christ's Sovereign Grace to Jew and Gentile alike. Baruch and his wife Bracha have 3 children, now adults, Avital, Shlomit and Tamar.

In 2003 Baruch's 400-page book, "Judaism Is Not Jewish", was published as a theologically Reformed response (from a Jewish Christian's perspective) to the Messianic a movement which today is predominantly Dispensational, Arminian and Charismatic. People from a Jewish background face difficult choices when they trust in Jesus as the Jewish Messiah. Baruch Maoz believes that to be Jewish is a blessing from God. The strong Jewish cultural identity impacts on worship and life so how does a Jewish Christian worship with his Gentile brothers and sisters? If they join churches will they be assimilated? If they establish synagogues will their fellow Christians feel excluded?

The response that some Jewish Christians have decided upon is to establish a fourth branch of Judaism called Messianic Judaism (the others are Orthodox, Conservative and Reform). Baruch accepts there are fine Christians within the Messianic movement but shows how Jewish life is not the same as synagogue life. He enables Jewish Christians to retain a cultural identity without losing fellowship with other Christians.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

DANIEL WEST: "ONENESS BY DECEPTION, WON BY THE TRINITY: The Testimony of a Former 'Oneness' ('Jesus Only') Pentecostal" PART ONE

MP3 Available Here

DANIEL WEST, pastor of The Potter's House (Casa del Alfarero), a theologically Reformed assembly in Providence, Rhode Island, and a former member of the United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI), will give his personal testimony of discovering and embracing the true God and Gospel of the Holy Scriptures: "ONENESS BY DECEPTION, WON BY THE TRINITY: The Testimony of a Former 'Oneness' ('Jesus Only') Pentecostal".

Here is a letter written by our guest Daniel West to Alpha & Omega Ministries in Phoenix, AZ, founded and directed by well known Reformed Christian theologian, apologist and Bible scholar Dr. James R. White, that will give you a glimpse of today's fascinating discussion:

"Dear AOMIN:

About five years ago, the Sovereign Lord was gracious to me and my family in rescuing us from the grip of the United Pentecostal Church. We were serving as pastors a of new church plant for the UPCI in Providence, RI, when the Lord began to open my eyes and heart to the gospel of Jesus Christ. We were able to take along with us out of that cult about 15 others. One of the ministries that helped us out and continues play a role in my own personal spiritual development is AOMIN and Dr. White's books. I searched everywhere for biblical PROOF of the doctrine of the Trinity and could not find anyone with answers to my questions until I picked up a copy of "
The Forgotten Trinity". That book helped solidify in my heart and mind the soundness and biblicalness (is that a word?) of the Trinity.

Now, the group of 15 souls that the Lord was gracious to lead out of error into truth has grown to a reformed congregation of 250 people in the heart of the inner city of Providence, RI.

God bless you and AOMIN.>"

Please keep writing and serving our mighty Lord with the same resolve and strength of courage that are your trademarks.

Daniel West
The Potter's House (Casa del Alfarero)
Providence, RI

Visit the web site of Dr. James R. White of Alpha & Omega Ministries at for resources defending the biblical and historical truths of Christianity and refuting the heresies of "Oneness ('Jesus Only') Pentecostalism" and the aberrant teachings of other cults and world religions denying or distorting the true God and true Gospel of the Holy Scriptures.

To visit the English language version of Pastor West's church web site go to

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

PAULA WEBSTER: "ARE YOUR CHILDREN A MISSION FIELD?: A Warning Against the Dangers of Presumptive Regeneration"

MP3 Available Here

PAULA WEBSTER, wife of noted Christian apologist, author and founder of Christian Resources William Webster, will address the theme: "ARE YOUR CHILDREN A MISSION FIELD?: A Warning Against the Dangers of Presumptive Regeneration".

Paula was baptized as an infant and raised in the Dutch Reformed denomination called the Christian Reformed Church (CRC), a denomination that has produced many biblically orthodox and faithful disciples of Jesus Christ that have been used mightily by God in His Kingdom. There has been, however, a dangerous teaching within the CRC prevalent for many years (even endorsed by the great Christian hero Abraham Kuyper) known as "Presumptive Regeneration". This was the case in the CRC congregation of our guest's youth. Believing she was certainly an authentic Christian during her childhood she made a profession of faith before the consistory at the age of 14. However, at the age of 32 Paula realized that she had been deceived into believing she was truly a child of God her entire life and it was then that she cried out to God with a repentant heart for salvation. Reflecting on her childhood she recalls that she, along with all the other children in her congregation, may have been taught the biblical facts about God and the Gospel of Christ, but were never evangelized as sinners in desperate need of a Savior. Paula believes this is a result of "Presumptive Regeneration", where Christian parents automatically presume that their children are regenerate merely because they were born to Christian parents.

Paula also reflects on her experiences early on after leaving the Christian Reformed Church and entering into mainstream, modern Evangelicalism, which is sadly dominated by the heresy known as "Easy Believism" and "Cheap Grace", a phenomenon which, although different than "Presumptive Regeneration", is in some ways its "cousin", resulting in individuals being assured of their salvation merely due to a public profession of faith in Christ (rather than their being born of Christian parents), even when there may be an absence of fruit or evidence that the one professing Christ has truly been born from above by the transforming power of the Holy Ghost. This heresy is at the heart of what has been nicknamed "the Lordship Controversy". A theological battle erupted among conservative Evangelicals and Fundamentalists during the 1980's between those who rejected the belief that repentance is a necessary component of genuine saving faith ("you can have Christ as your Savior but not necessarily as your Lord") in a misguided attempt to preserve the precious truth of Justification By Faith Alone, and those who affirmed that Christ must be embraced not only as Savior but also as Lord over one's life when one is truly born again, subsequently bearing the fruit of good works, in order for one to be deemed an authentic Christian.

The latter group insists that this belief is clearly and irrefutably Scriptural and in no way contradicts or impinges the doctrine of Justification By Faith Alone which all true heirs of the Protestant Reformation uphold as a necessary element of genuine Gospel preaching and teaching. This "Lordship Controversy" resulted in church splits, the dropping of support for certain missionaries and the firing of seminary faculty members. This still occurs today as the controversy rages on. Paula Webster strongly believes that both "Presumptive Regeneration" and the theology of "ANTI-Lordship Salvation" are a breeding ground for generations of nominal, dead, counterfeit Christians who will be tragically shocked on the Day of Judgement when learning that Christ never knew them before they enter into an eternity of torment.

You can read more about this controversy in the excellent work written by Dr. John MacArthur, a proponent of "Lordship Salvation", titled "The Gospel According to Jesus", which just recently reached its 20th anniversary in print. Another tremendous resource on this issue (that Dr. MacArthur includes in the aforementioned book's bibliography) is the book written by our guest Paula Webster's husband, William Webster, titled "Must Jesus Be Lord To Be Savior?" .

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

ERIC SVENDSEN: "UPON THIS SLIPPERY ROCK: Countering Roman Catholic Claims to Authority" [Encore Presentation]

MP3 Available Here

ERIC SVENDSEN, Evangelical apologist, debater, author and director of New Testament Research Ministries, will address the theme of his book: "UPON THIS SLIPPERY ROCK: Countering Roman Catholic Claims to Authority."

"How do you know your private interpretation of the Bible is correct over against the private interpretation of every other denomination?"

"How can you be certain that you are in the truth since all you have to go on is your own fallible private judgment that your church is right?"

"How do you know you’ve picked the right denomination?"

"How can you believe in sola Scriptura, a principle that has resulted in over 25,000 Protestant denominations?"

Sound familiar? If you've ever spent time dialoguing with a Roman Catholic apologist, chances are you've been confronted with these very questions.

Finally, from Eric Svendsen and Calvary Press, comes a layman's handbook for answering the epistemological dilemmas posed by Roman Catholic apologists--one that not only answers these questions and others like them, but also shows you how to turn those same dilemmas back on the Roman Catholic inquisitor himself! Winsome and practical; in-depth yet easy to read; this timely volume will prove to be an invaluable handbook in your dealings with Roman Catholic apologists who attempt to denigrate the Scriptures in their zeal to promote the authority of Rome.

You can also hear 2 "Iron Sharpens Iron" inteviews with Dr. Svendsen on his groundbreaking, 334-page book "WHO IS MY MOTHER?: The Role & Status of Mary in the New Testament & Roman Catholicism" on free downloadable MP3s.:

Part #1 can be heard here

Part #2 can be heard here

Monday, October 13, 2008


MP3 Available Here

RAY RHODES, JR., Pastor of Grace Community Church in Dawsonville, GA, and President of Nourished in the Word Ministries will address the theme of his new book: "FAMILY WORSHIP FOR THE REFORMATION SEASON".

It is tragic that many Evangelicals today are completely ignorant of the history of the Protestant Reformation and the rich legacy left to us by its heroic leading figures. Even students of the Reformation sadly and inexcusably take for granted that we have such easy access to the Word of God printed and preached in our own native tongue, and often forget that this is just one precious jewel from the treasure trove that we have inherited from our Reformation forefathers and faithful, courageous saints before us who often risked and endured torture and execution for the sake of Christ's Word and Christ's Gospel. "FAMILY WORSHIP FOR THE REFORMATION SEASON" is therefore a valuable tool to educate those unaware of our Reformation heritage, and to revitalize the faith of those who already cherish this great heritage of ours.

Here's what prominent Christian leaders are saying about Ray's excellent new book:

"Imagine, leading your family in daily worship in the home, reading the Scriptures, singing and praying, but simultaneously introducing them to the history, leading figures and theology of the great sixteenth-century Reformation - all this in a fresh and interesting way, in just about a quarter of an hour each day. 'That would be great,' you say, 'but it would take me hours and days to put that together. I could never do it.' Well, Ray Rhodes has done it for you in Family Worship for the Reformation Season. Use this book with joy. It will inspire, inform and instruct you and your family. The studies are simple but meaty. The Scriptures passages are helpfully chosen. And most of the lessons can be completed in fifteen minutes. Employ and be edified!" - Dr. Ligon Duncan

"Many today have called our increasingly secular age the beginning of 'a new dark ages'. Others see our climate as a time similar to that which birthed the Reformation - a time when the light of God's Word broke through the abiding spiritual darkness - becoming one characterized by the production and proliferation of the Scriptures. Thus, the latter was a movement from a visual-based society to a word-based society. Toward this end, Ray Rhodes provides us with a much-needed tool for our families to return to God's Word, understand our heritage, and be equipped to perpetuate this faith to the generations to come. You have all you need in this book to teach your family how to celebrate the Reformation season!" - Pastor Jerry Marcellino

"Once common, the practice of family worship has all but disappeared among the people of God today. Recent years, however, have seen a revival of interest in and commitment to this biblical responsibility and privilege. Ray Rhodes has contributed to the recovery of this resurgence with practical books like this one. Informative and useful at any time of year, this book would be particularly timely in the weeks leading up to Reformation Day." - Dr. Donald Whitney

"This book combines two divine blessings that are being rediscovered by a growing number of Christians in our day--our Reformation heritage and family worship. Ray Rhodes has performed a great service to families by organizing useful information about the former in ways that can be easily used in the latter. I pray that this book will be used to teach the rising generation important biblical truths through the stories of faithful men and women on whose shoulders we stand." - Dr. Tom Ascol, Pastor

"From the pen of author, pastor, conference speaker and book dealer Ray Rhodes comes yet another gem: a month of studies for the Reformation season geared for family worship. If you long to know more about this pivotal time in church history, yet you have felt intimidated by the subject matter, then get this book. You will learn, your family will learn--and you just might have a lot of fun as well." - Dr. David W. Bailey, Pastor

Following a similar format to Solid Ground Christian Book's best-selling book of 2007, 'Family Worship for the Christmas Season' this book is intended to be used from October 1 - 31, with the grand climax being Reformation Day (or beginning on Reformation Day and continuing through November). At the same time, this book can be used at any time of the year. It is both informative and practical.

You can hear an earlier interview on "Iron Sharpens Iron" with Ray on his book "Family Worship for the Christmas Season" on free downloadable MP3 format by clicking here:

Sunday, October 12, 2008

ISI Mailbox

Here are some highlights from a letter written to Chris Arnzen, host of Iron Sharpens Iron:


I'm a listener living in England (I'm from Okla, but married an Englishman) and I appreciate your show very much. I listened to Tues and Wed.'s shows just yesterday and found them both interesting. There are so many other shows you've done that I have also found interesting or helpful, too many to mention! But I will say that one on Womanly Dominion was very good; it made me get up and see if I could tackle the problem with our dishwasher (to take womanly dominion over it!) - I didn't manage to solve the problem but I think it was good to try again before calling the repairman! I hope to be able to get those books.

I wanted to say, after hearing of the fact that your website is blocked at some library, that also sometimes our NetNanny blocks or warns us (depending on the setting) of your site, because of "Hate/Violence" ! It does not always do that (today there was no problem) and I am at a loss as to why it does flag your site,
except perhaps you have some words in your synopses that bother it.

OK, I've just clicked "older posts" at the bottom, and the page that was to come up was blocked for "Adult/Mature" and "Hate/Violence" (I can unblock it - I trust your site!). A quick look through the first few podcast synopses on that page makes me think that at least one of the issues is your post on the violence in India, especially a description of murder/torture of a priest and nun. There may be other things, but that is the one I found first.

I don't know if that will change how you write your synopses, but now you have a little more feedback with which to make a decision.

Of course, the library in question may have NetFinney installed! ( against.html )

Again, I really appreciate your show.

in Christ

Dear Sister Karen,

Greetings from the USA! I am delighted to hear that "Iron Sharpens Iron" has another listener in England. My audience appears to be growing over there. Thank you for your encouraging words. I passed on your email to Pastor Mark Chanski who authored "Womanly Dominion" and I am certain he will be thrilled to hear of your enjoyment over his interview.

Thanks also for letting me know that your "NetNanny" sometimes blocks my program. I am not sure how that can be avoided but I will discuss the matter with my webmaster. Grace and peace, sister! Please keep listening and keep spreading the word about "Iron Sharpens Iron" in the UK!

In His grip,

Chris Arnzen
Iron Sharpens Iron

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Recent ISI Commendations

"The subjects Chris Arnzen covers are not only relevant to the USA but also to the church on the African continent. He deals with those issues that are a menace to the church today and you cannot miss the fact that he wants those he is interviewing to base their answers squarely on the Bible. Keep it up, Chris; we need many people like you on this side of the Atlantic!"---Pastor Conrad Mbewe, Kabwata Baptist Church, Zambia, Africa

Friday, October 10, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


MP3 Available Here

GABRIEL GROSSI, Reformed Baptist evangelist and author of "Preaching With Biblical Passion" and his new book "Preaching the Gospel Message" will address the question: "WHAT IS WRONG WITH PREACHING TODAY?"

According to today's guest:

"American Society is in a state of crippling moral chaos, because the church is in a state of spiritual & doctrinal chaos! The only hope for our country is the preaching of the true biblical Gospel of the Word of God! Both the Evangelical and sadly some Reformed churches are diluting-denying-neglecting-avoiding to emphasize and stress every part of the Gospel Message that was stressed-highlighted and emphasized by Christ and His Apostles! The biblical weight-emphasis and priority in the modern day proclamation falls short of the Gospel Message recorded in Scripture! I am calling preachers back to the Bible to humbly re-evaluate and seriously re-examine their Gospel preaching...

...I can understand the Evangelical Church compromising the Gospel Message but I am appalled and shocked the way some Reformed churches are failing to biblically stress-emphasis and highlight every biblical part of the Gospel Message! The primary purpose of preachers is to be faithful in proclaiming the balanced Gospel committed to their trust by Christ their Lord. This biblically balanced Gospel of Scripture must proclaimed to the members and participants of churches throughout all of our country...

...The Christian Church is the last hope for our country and if we do not emphasize-stress-highlight every part of the Gospel Message, God the Holy Spirit is grieved and will not bring a genuine revival and will not produce genuine conversions unto Christ!...

... The Scriptures, the great Church Confessions and the great preachers of Church history are all to be carefully investigated to see if in fact we have departed from the Gospel Message recorded in the Bible."

Gabriel Grossi was born and raised in Italy as a Roman Catholic. After coming to the United States in 1958, Mr. Grossi was converted to Christ in 1969. He attended Reformed Episcopal Seminary in Philadelphia, PA from 1970-1973. He has been actively engaged in lay-preaching since 1979. He was privileged to be intimately involved in a church planting work in Mid-town Manhattan in New York. He has also served in the pastorate for two years. Mr. Grossi is married with two adult sons.

Mr. Grossi is offering his book “Preaching the Gospel Message” for only $8/copy+Shipping. For those who cannot afford to pay he will send the book to them free of charge. The spiral paperback book has 233 pages with 360 footnotes. His other book, Preaching with Biblical Passion is on sale for $10 plus shipping & handling.You can contact him at (973)299-1579 or send him an email at

Gabriel Grossi is scheduled to preach this Sunday, October 12th at 10:30AM at the Massapequa Church of God, 890 Hicksville Road (Route 107), Massapequa, NY 11758 (near the border of Nassau & Suffolk County, Long Island). Call for directions and other details at (516)799-2421 or email Pastor Jim Capo at

Visit Mr. Grossi's website: GABRIEL GROSSI "Preaching With Biblical Passion"

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008


MP3 Avaliable Here

Here's an early ISI broadcast that was recorded before we began archiving the show.

, an ordained Presbyterian minister, Reformed apologist and conference speaker who has contributed articles to such esteemed Christian periodicals as "TableTalk", the publication of R.C. Sproul's Ligonier Ministries , and coauthor with noted apologist William Webster of the groundbreaking, three-volume work Holy Scripture: The Ground & Pillar of Our Faith will address "SOLA SCRIPTURA- THE GROUND AND PILLAR of OUR FAITH"

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Here are some highlights from a letter written to Chris Arnzen, host of Iron Sharpens Iron:

Dear Mr. Arnzen,

Grace and peace all the way in London, England. Every day I fire up the ol' iTunes and catch the show. I love the interesting mix of topics and guests each week (esp. James White but don't tell him I said that LOL), and I have learnt much from the show. May the Lord continue to bless the work committed to the hands of ISI.

In Christ,
Douglas K. Adu-Boahen

Dear Brother Douglas,

How thrilled I am to discover another faithful listener of "Iron Sharpens Iron" in England! BTW, it may interest you yo know that a listener of my program from Ireland heard my guest Pastor John Otis from Corpus Christi, Texas, discuss the evils of Freemasonry and then invited John to London, England to participate in a debate between two Reformed Christians and two high-level Freemasons on "Is Freemasonry Compatible with Christianity?" You can look up John's interview at to hear the exact date of the debate in London should you wish to attend (if it hasn't already occured).

Please keep listening and keep spreading the word about "Iron Sharpens Iron" in England! Grace and peace, my brother!

In His grip,

Chris Arnzen
Iron Sharpens Iron

Friday, October 3, 2008


MP3 Available Here

DR. ROBERT J. CAMERON, pastor of Mount Carmel Church (OPC), Somerset, NJ, will address: "THE BLACK CHURCH: A CALL TO REFORMATION".

During this very controversial discussion, Dr. Cameron will demonstrate that the Black church at large is heavily permeated by matriarchal leadership, a social gospel and heretical theology, and will challenge his African-American brothers and sisters in Christ to reevaluate their current positions and to become transformed according to the Scriptures.

Dr. Cameron is author of The Last Pew on the Left: America's Lost Potential. The title of Dr. Cameron’s book reflects upon his experiences as an African-American growing up in the Roman Catholic Church in the South, where his family had to sit in the last pew on the left. That insured they were the last ones to receive the chalice of the Mass (after all the white parishioners had partaken). Since then Bob has experienced racism in the military, industry and even running his own trucking business.

After he was converted to Christ in the early 70s (at more than 40 years of age), he was surprised to find the same problem in just about every church—black or white. He sold his business and used the profits to finance his seminary education. After seminary he was the founding pastor of Mt. Carmel Church in Somerset, NJ, which is now and always has been integrated—first as a Reformed Episcopal and later as a Presbyterian fellowship. Dr. Cameron also sits on the Board of Greenville Theological Seminary, and is part of the faculty at the New York School of the Bible.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

ERIC SVENDSEN: "UPON THIS SLIPPERY ROCK: Countering Roman Catholic Claims to Authority"

MP3 Available Here

ERIC SVENDSEN, Evangelical apologist, debater, author and director of New Testament Research Ministries, will address the theme of his book: "UPON THIS SLIPPERY ROCK: Countering Roman Catholic Claims to Authority."

"How do you know your private interpretation of the Bible is correct over against the private interpretation of every other denomination?"

"How can you be certain that you are in the truth since all you have to go on is your own fallible private judgment that your church is right?"

"How do you know you’ve picked the right denomination?"

"How can you believe in sola Scriptura, a principle that has resulted in over 25,000 Protestant denominations?"

Sound familiar? If you've ever spent time dialoguing with a Roman Catholic apologist, chances are you've been confronted with these very questions.

Finally, from Eric Svendsen and Calvary Press, comes a layman's handbook for answering the epistemological dilemmas posed by Roman Catholic apologists--one that not only answers these questions and others like them, but also shows you how to turn those same dilemmas back on the Roman Catholic inquisitor himself! Winsome and practical; in-depth yet easy to read; this timely volume will prove to be an invaluable handbook in your dealings with Roman Catholic apologists who attempt to denigrate the Scriptures in their zeal to promote the authority of Rome.

You can also hear 2 "Iron Sharpens Iron" inteviews with Dr. Svendsen on his groundbreaking, 334-page book "WHO IS MY MOTHER?: The Role & Status of Mary in the New Testament & Roman Catholicism" on free downloadable MP3s.:

Part #1 can be heard here

Part #2 can be heard here

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Iron Sharpens Iron 30 Day Archive

"As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend"- Proverbs 27:17