Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Richard Barcellos: The Family Tree of Reformed Biblical Theology: Geerhardus Vos & John Owen
MP3 Available Here
Richard Barcellos, Administrative Assistant to the Dean & Resident Associate Professor of New Testament Studies at at the Midwest Center for Theological Studies, will address the theme of his new book: "The Family Tree of Reformed Biblical Theology: Geerhardus Vos & John Owen (Their Methods of and Contribution to the Articulation of Redemptive History)".
Geerhardus Johannes Vos (1862-1949) was the first Professor of Biblical Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary, and has been called by many the "Father of Reformed Biblical Theology". At Princeton Vos taught alongside B. B. Warfield and authored his most famous works, including: Pauline Eschatology and Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments . He remained at Princeton for nearly 40 years, and his students included such eminent men as J. Gresham Machen, John Murray, Ned B. Stonehouse, and Cornelius Van Til. Throughout his career Vos fought against liberalism at every step, especially on such issues as the kingdom of God and Jesus' Messianic self-consciousness.
According to the publishers of The Family Tree of Reformed Biblical Theology, the thesis our guest Richard Barcellos, proposes in his book is that:
Geerhardus Vos’ biblical-theological method should be viewed as a post-Enlightenment continuation of the pre-critical federal theology of seventeenth-century Reformed orthodoxy. Vos wrote in the context of the liberalism of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. His biblical-theological methodology was largely a resuscitation of the federal theology of seventeenth-century Reformed orthodoxy adapted to the times in which it was written.
"For those who love Reformed biblical theology and Reformed systematic theology, this is a satisfying, happy book, providing for us a family tree of continuity from the prince of the Puritans, John Owen, to the father of Reformed biblical theology, Geerhardus Vos. Now, who will add to the branches, and go back to the sixteenth century roots, adding to the fulsomeness and beauty of the Reformed family tree from Calvin and Bullinger to our own day?" -- Joel R. Beeke, Ph.D., President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, MI
Richard Barcellos received a B.S. from California State University, Fresno, an M.Div. from The Master’s Seminary, and a Th.M. and Ph.D. from Whitefield Theological Seminary. In 1990 he planted a church in Southern California and pastored there until July of 2006, when he relocated to Owensboro, KY, to become part of MCTS. He is the managing editor of Reformed Baptist Theological Review, author of In Defense of the Decalogue, and co-author of A Reformed Baptist Manifesto. He has also contributed articles to RBTR, Founders Journal, and Table Talk. Professor Barcellos is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and one of the pastors of Heritage Baptist Church of Owensboro, Kentucky.
You can also listen to two recent interviews with Richard Barcellos on the theme of his book that were aired on Covenant Radio by clicking here:
You can listen to an interview on "Iron Sharpens Iron" with Danny E. Olinger, editor of the invaluable 375-page volume A Geerhardus Vos Anthology , by clicking here: MP3 Available Here
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
David Wood: The Islamisation of America: Why Christians were Arrested in Dearborn, Michigan
mp3 available here

On June 19th, Christian apologists David Wood and Nabeel Qureshi of the Acts 17 Apologetics Ministry, and two other Christians, Negeen and Paul Rezkalla, were arrested for proselytizing Muslims... "Where did this arrest take place?", you might ask... "Was it in Saudi Arabia?"... "Iran, perhaps?"... No... It happened right here in the good ole USA!
These Christians were on their annual visit to the Arab International Festival in Dearborn, Michigan (see, and, according to David Wood & Nabeel Qureshi, were in complete compliance with the rules set by officials there.
As Qureshi described it:
"At one point, we came across a festival volunteer who seemed to take issue with us simply being at the festival. We could tell he had a problem with us, and so we asked 'What are we doing wrong?' He said 'Put the camera and microphone down, and I'll tell you.'... So I obliged, handing the microphone to David and asking him to not record the man... About 20 minutes later, to shouts and cheers of 'Allahu Akbar!' we were all being led away from the festival in handcuffs..."
You can view the story on YouTube here:
Our guest tonight, David Wood, is a former atheist who converted to Christianity based on the historical evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus. David now debates both atheists and Muslims and is co-director of Acts 17 Apologetics Ministries, an organization he founded with Nabeel Qureshi, a convert from Islam to Christianity. David also contributes to, which he considers to be the very best resource available anywhere, bar none, to discover and learn the true history and teachings of Islam. He personally operates the blog site
David's ministry comes very highly recommended by frequent "Iron Sharpens Iron" guest, renowned Christian apologist and biblical scholar Dr. James R. White of Alpha & Omega Ministries. You can listen to other interviews with David Wood on "Iron Sharpens Iron" on free downloadable MP3 format by clicking here.
David has become fondly known as "Iron Sharpens Iron's Resident Apologist to the Muslims". David is also a Teaching Fellow in Philosophy at Fordham University .
Saturday, June 26, 2010
T. David Gordon: Why Johnny Can't Sing Hymns: How Pop Culture Rewrote the Hymnal
MP3 Available Here
Changes in music have affected the way we think, the way we worship—even the way we are able to worship. We are steeped in a culture of pop music that makes other genres seem strangely foreign and unhelpful. Worship has become a conflict area, rather than a source of unity.
T. David Gordon looks at these changes in worship and not only examines the problems, but also provides solutions. They are solutions of great importance to us all—because how we sing affects how we live. Dr. Gordon not only shows the problems, he also provides solutions - it's important, because how we sing affects how we live.
Table of Contents: PDF
Sample Chapters: PDF
"Dr. Gordon is at it again, bringing reformed theology and media ecology to bear on one of the thorniest issues in the church today—worship song. Witty, persuasive, and gracious, he challenges the conventional wisdom in the midst of the so-called ‘worship wars,’ asking for a serious inquiry into the nature of worship song and the media appropriate to it. He convinces us that if we are to worship with reverence and awe we must not unthinkingly accept the message of popular music."
Dr. Gordon is also the author of Why Johnny Can't Preach: The Media Have Shaped the Messengers (see You can hear his "Iron Sharpens Iron" interview on that book here:
Dr. Gordon has been Professor of Religion and Greek at Grove City College since 1999, where he has taught courses in Religion, Greek, Humanities, and Media Ecology. Prior to that, he taught New Testament (primarily Pauline studies) for thirteen years at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in S. Hamilton, MA; and for nine years he was pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashua, NH.
Dr. Gordon contributed to a number of books and study Bibles (his notes on John’s gospel appear in the New Geneva Study Bible and the Reformation Study Bible), and has published scholarly reviews and articles in journals such as New Testament Studies, The Westminster Theological Journal, Interpretation, and Journal for the Evangelical Theological Society. My popular articles have appeared in periodicals such as Modern Reformation, Tabletalk, Decision, and Lay Leadership.
Dr. Gordon graduated from Roanoke College (B.L.A.), Westminster Theological Seminary (M.A.R., Th.M), and Union Theological Seminary in Virginia (Ph.D.). He lives in Grove City, PA, with his wife Dianne. They have two daughters, Grace (married) and Dabney (a student at the college). He is ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). He and his family attend Grace Anglican Church in Slippery Rock, PA.
Cohosting tonight's broadcast are Pastor Jim Capo of the Massapequa Church of God, Massapequa, Long Island, NY (see and Pastor Al Stein of the Neighborhood Assembly of God, Bellmore, Long Island, NY (see
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Craig Caster:Parenting is a Ministry
MP3 Available Here

- Raising strong willed children
- God’s purposes for raising children
- Loving your children without compromising your faith
- How ADD, ADHD and bipolar conditions do not change
God’s plan and will for raising children - How to stand on a strong spiritual foundation
to raise your children - How to disciple your children
- How to establish rules, pre-determined, disciplines
- How to implement punishment
- How to start over
equip others and training church leaders how to effectively minister to hurting families.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Christopher W. Morgan: What is Hell?
MP3 Available Here

Here Morgan and Peterson set forth a clear biblical theology of hell, facing the hard realities and avoiding silly stereotypes by conveying what the Bible says about hell with integrity, intelligence, and compassion. They address the major questions people have about this subject and apply what the Bible has to say about it to Christian living.
- The Glory of God (Hardcover): 2010: 1581349785: Crossway Books
- Suffering and the Goodness of God (Hardcover): 2008: 1581348592: Crossway Books
- James: Wisdom for the Community (Paperback): 2008: 184550335X: Christian Focus Publications
- Faith Comes by Hearing: A Response to Inclusivism: A Response to Inclusivism (Paperback): 2008: 0830825908: IVP Academic
- Hell Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents Eternal Punishment (Hardcover): 2004: 0310240417: Zondervan Publishing Company
You can also hear two previous interviews on "Iron Sharpens Iron" with Dr. Christopher Morgan:
Can the Unevangelized Enter Heaven?: MP3 Available Here
Suffering & the Goodness of God: MP3 Available Here
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Steven J. Lawson: Proclaiming the Perfections of God
MP3 Available Here
Steven J. Lawson, the senior pastor of Christ Fellowship Baptist Church in Mobile, Alabama, will address the theme: "Proclaiming the Perfections of God".
Tonight's theme is also the subtitle of the new book published by Reformation Trust that Dr. Lawson contributed to with R.C. Sproul, Alistair Begg, D.A. Carson, Sinclair Ferguson, and other powerful writers and preachers, titled Holy, Holy, Holy (see
As the publishers describe Holy, Holy, Holy:
The angels in Isaiah’s vision of God’s heavenly temple (Isa. 6) used threefold repetition to praise His holiness, the superlative form of emphasis in the Hebrew language. Their cry tells us that nothing is as significant as the holiness of God.
Tragically, the holiness of God has been obscured in our time, and as a result, the church’s doctrine and ethics have been tarnished, entertainment has replaced worship in many places, the Gospel is misunderstood and neglected, and the church assimilates itself to the culture instead of seeking to transform it through the preaching of God’s Word.
Holy, Holy, Holy: Proclaiming the Perfections of God offers a corrective. Here, the holiness of God is defined, explored, and praised by a lineup of leading evangelical pastors and scholars, who show how it affects our worship, doctrine, and personal walks with Christ. Contributors include Thabiti Anyabwile, Alistair Begg, Don Carson, Ligon Duncan, Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, Steven J. Lawson, Albert Mohler, R.C. Sproul, R.C. Sproul Jr., and Derek Thomas.
Adapted from the lectures at the 2009 Ligonier Ministries National Conference, Holy, Holy, Holy unfolds the character of God and the holiness that sets Him apart. Here is high theology in understandable language, bringing deeper knowledge of God and promoting love for Him.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Alan R. Pontier: Biblical Ecumenism & Reformed Premillennialist: An Oxymoron???"
MP3 Available Here
Alan R. Pontier, Evangelist & Church Planter at Big Bear Valley Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Big Bear City, CA (see, will address these themes:
Part 1: "Biblical Ecumenism: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Extreme Separatism & the Modern Ecumenical Movement"
Part 2: "Reformed Premillennialist: An Oxymoron???"
Alan. R. Pontier originally came from a Christian Reformed Church (CRC) background. When his family moved to New Jersey they eventually became members of the Bible Presbyterian Church in Collingswood, pastored by Rev. Carl McIntire.
Alan went to Shelton College (1970-74) and Faith Seminary (1974-76). Both of these schools were associated with the Bible Presbyterian Church. He finished M.Div degree at Covenant Seminary in St. Louis (1980), MO and also received a Th.M. degree in Historical Theology from Covenant Seminary (1984).
Alan was ordained in 1977, and in 1986 entered into the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) denomination. He became pastor of Beverly Orthodox Presbyterian Church in East Los Angeles, CA in 1988, and remained there for 15 years.
Alan was called as an Evangelist (Church Planter) to Big Bear Valley Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Big Bear City, CA in 2006.
Alan and his wife Mary Lynn have three daughters (two of which are getting married this summer).
Friday, June 18, 2010
Important Announcement For ISI Listeners
Iron Sharpens Iron will no longer be heard 6-7 P.M. Monday to Friday.
The new broadcast schedule is 8:00-9:00 P.M. Monday to Thursday, and 7:30-9 P.M. on Saturday.
There will no longer be a broadcast on Friday.
The shows will still be recorded and made available on mp3.
A Message from Chris:
"Iron Sharpens Iron's" NEW TIME will be 8-9pm Eastern Monday through Thursday, and 7:30-9pm Eastern on Saturdays (there will be no Friday program until further notice).
For those listening on the Internet, the livestreaming link is still the same and can be reached at For local radio listeners here in New York, the program will be aired on WGBB-1240AM on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday, and on WNSW-1430AM on Tuesdays.
WGBB listeners will hear secular English broadcasting prior to "Iron Sharpens Iron" if you tune in or log in early, WNSW listeners will hear Spanish broadcasting if you tune in or log in early.
Both the 1240AM signal and the 1430AM signal are more powerful than the 1440AM signal we have been airing on locally for the past 4 years, so we obviously view this as a positive change.
Please keep listening to, and spreading the word about "Iron Sharpens Iron"!
In His grip,
Chris Arnzen
Iron Sharpens Iron Radio
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Jim Renihan: True Love: Understanding the real meaning of Christian love (Encore Presentation)
MP3 Available Here

1 Corinthians 13:
1If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
2If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
3And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing.
4Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant,
5does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered,
6does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;
7bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away.
9For we know in part and we prophesy in part;
10but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away.
11When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.
12For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.
13But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.
As Dr. Renihan very aptly puts it in the Preface of his book:
Christian love is central to the life of every believer. When Paul speaks of the work of the Holy Spirit in Jesus' followers, love is the first item he mentions (Galatians 5:22); when our Saviour prepared his disciples for the events of that final night in Jerusalem, and everything that would come after, he spoke to them about love (John 13). Perhaps it is not an overstatement to say that love is at the root of the Christian faith - it is God's abiding and everlasting love that gives impetus to the incarnation of Christ and the redemption of his people.
At first glance, it is surprising that there is so little literature available about love. There may be different reasons for this. While the topic is very important, it is also difficult. Love is not easily defined. In some ways, it is simpler to experience love than to characterize it. Similarly, no author should think that he or she adequately understands, and especially expresses love. When we ask ourselves questions such as ‘Am I qualified to write to others about love?' we recognize how far short of the standard we come. We are all striving after a better expression of this grace.
‘Jim Renihan warmly and ably opens up the great subject of love in 1 Corinthians 13. He challenges our self-centredness and urges us to pursue true love - a love which is founded in God's prior love and is to permeate and motivate every aspect of the Christian's life.'
Robert Strivens, Principal, London Theological Seminary
'Many have only heard 1 Corinthians 13 at weddings. This sublime description of love mentions fruits which must be found in a home if marriage and child-rearing are to succeed. Yet Paul's matchless portrayal of love is actually placed in another setting. The apostle was describing the highest contribution a Christian can make in the church or in the lifelong service of God and man.
In his day, as in our own, there were claims of more dazzling and colorful spiritual abilities granted to Christians, such as miracle-working and tongue-speaking. These seemed to be so much more productive and helpful than were ‘mere' love. Yet after listing the great gifts granted to followers of Jesus, Paul said, ‘I show you a still more excellent way. What follows is this masterpiece on love.
Mr. Renihan's work draws out the indicators of love so that we may search out the level of this gift of the Spirit in ourselves. Furthermore his study aims to make us aspire to have and to exercise this gift more than any other and to value it as the most eminent quality in others. You must not neglect this subject!' Walter J. Chantry
This profound and lively study shows how 1 Corinthians 13 fits into the message of the Epistle as a whole of the and not just how it connects with chapters 12 and 14. Taking that wider and more biblical focus enables Jim Renihan to talk to Christians and to churches in a truly pastoral spirit.'
Hywel Jones
'The part that most people seem to like about Christianity is love. How many times have you heard 1 Corinthians 13 read at weddings? Yet love is gravely misunderstood in our culture, apart from the wider scope of God's character, commands, and saving work in Christ. James Renihan deserves our gratitude, because he neither sentimentalizes nor intellectualizes love. Here is a rich, vivid, and concrete exploration of this fantastic subject.' Michael Horton
Dr. Renihan received his M.Div. from Seminary of the East and his Ph.D. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He has more than 15 years of pastoral experience in Baptist churches, and is currently an elder at the Escondido Reformed Baptist Church in California (see
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
D.A. Carson: The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God (Encore Presentation)
MP3 Available Here

As the publishers describe Dr. Carson's book:
A noted evangelical scholar presents a serious treatment of the doctrine of the love of God and an honest, biblically sound handling of its difficulties and problematic passages. He critiques sentimental ideas such as "God hates the sin, but loves the sinner" and provides interesting perspective on how God loves us. This discussion is blended with consideration of God's sovereignty and His wrath, both of which are important elements of His love, and does away with trivialities and cliches to get to the heart of the matter.
Dr. Carson received the Bachelor of Science in chemistry from McGill University, the Master of Divinity from Central Baptist Seminary in Toronto, and the Doctor of Philosophy in New Testament from Cambridge University.
Dr. Carson's areas of expertise include biblical theology, the historical Jesus, postmodernism, pluralism, Greek grammar, Johannine theology, Pauline theology, and questions of suffering and evil. He is a member of the Tyndale Fellowship for Biblical Research, the Society of Biblical Literature, the Evangelical Theological Society, the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies, and the Institute for Biblical Research.
Dr. Carson has written or edited more than fifty books, including The Sermon on the Mount (Baker 1978), Exegetical Fallacies (Baker 1984), Matthew (Zondervan 1984), From Triumphalism to Maturity (Baker 1984), Showing the Spirit (Baker 1987), How Long, O Lord? Reflections on Suffering and Evil (Baker 1990), The Gospel According to John (Eerdmans 1991), A Call to Spiritual Reformation (Baker 1992), New Testament Commentary Survey, 6th ed. (Baker 2006) and Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church (Zondervan, 2005). His book, The Gagging of God: Christianity Confronts Pluralism (Zondervan 1996), won the 1997 Evangelical Christian Publishers Association Gold Medallion Award in the category "theology and doctrine." He coauthored An Introduction to the New Testament (Zondervan 1991) and other works. His edited works include It Is Written: Scripture Citing Scripture (Cambridge University Press 1988) and Biblical Greek Language and Linguistics (Sheffield Academic Press 1993). Dr. Carson occasionally writes and edits with faculty colleague John Woodbridge; together they wrote the novel Letters Along the Way (Crossway 1993) and edited Scripture and Truth (Baker 1992) and God and Culture (Eerdmans 1993) (see A.+).
Dr. Carson was founding chair of the GRAMCORD Institute, a research and educational institution designed to develop and promote computer-related tools for research into the Bible, focusing especially on the original languages. Dr. Carson is an active guest lecturer in academic and church settings around the world.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
R.C. Sproul: Tough Questions Christians Face (Encore Presentation)
MP3 Available Here

PART 2 (6:30-7pm EDT):

Monday, June 14, 2010
Alistair Begg: Promoting the Gospel in an Alien World
MP3 Available Here

Alistair has been in pastoral ministry since 1975. He was born and raised in Glasgow, Scotland, and following graduation from The London School of Theology, he served eight years in Scotland at both Charlotte Chapel in Edinburgh and Hamilton Baptist Church. In 1983, he became the senior pastor at Parkside Church.
He has written several books and is heard daily and weekly on Truth For Life. The teaching on Truth For Life stems from the week by week Bible teaching at Parkside Church. He and his wife, Susan, were married in 1975 and they have three grown children.
Alistair will be a featured speaker this week at the 2010 National Conference for Ligonier Ministries addressing the theme "Is the Exclusivity of Christ Unjust?":
Click here to view Alistair's complete speaking itinerary.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
The Pastor's Roundtable
MP3 Available Here
"The Pastors' Roundtable" is the Friday edition of the "Iron Sharpens Iron" program. This is our feature enabling you, the listener, to call in on any subject regarding the Christian Faith (typically, Monday through Thursday you are only permitted to ask questions regarding the specific topic our guests are focussing on each particular day, but not so during "The Pastors' Roundtable"). If your question involves a personal, sensitive matter over which you need pastoral advice, please remain anonymous, and keep all other parties involved anonymous.
This Week's Pastoral Panel:
Pastor Drew Eenigenburg, West Sayville Reformed Bible Church, West Sayville, Long Island, NY (see
Pastor Steve Stohler, Evangelical Baptist Church, Freehold, NJ (see
Pastor Jack Thomas, Massapequa Bible Ministries, Massapequa, Long Island, NY (see
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Dennis E. Johnson: Counsel From the Cross: Connecting Broken People to the Love of Christ
MP3 Available Here

"Counsel From the Cross: Connecting Broken People to the Love of Christ".
Dr. Johnson is also one of seven featured speakers at the upcoming "God's Wrath or Redemption" conference in New York City August 4-5. For a substantial discount on your registration fee go to
Here's what some prominent Christian thinkers are saying about Counsel From the Cross:
"A triumph of a maturing biblical counseling movement. Elyse Fitzpatrick, a counselor with uncommon insight into common problems, teams with Dennis Johnson, a seminary professor with a firm fix on justification and the centrality of the gospel, to produce a cross-centered counseling tool. Expect to find the refreshing intersection of the liberating truth of the cross and the power of the gospel to move counselees and impart hope. This book is a major contribution not only to biblical counseling but also to the person in the pew."
Tedd Tripp, pastor, author, international conference speaker
"Broken people remain so because they never truly understand the nature or extent of God's love. Following the pattern of Paul's letter to the Ephesians, this book triggers worship and hope with exhilarating descriptions of the gospel of Christ and shows us how to live out the love and freedom of the gospel in the relationships and struggles of everyday life. May God use this book to bring a wholeness and joy to believers that is irresistibly attractive to everyone around them."
Ken Sande, president, Peacemaker Ministries
"Fitzpatrick and Johnson teach that effective counseling for broken and hurting people does not mean walking beyond the gospel into some modern form of psychotherapy, which ultimately provides no solutions. All Christians, especially pastors, counselors, and church workers who yearn to see genuine healing and transformation in their families and churches, should practice the principles of this book personally and use it to help others. This book is biblical counseling at its best; absorbing its teaching will make us all better counselors."
Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
Dr. Johnson earned his B.A. at Westmont College, his M.Div. and Th.M. at Westminster Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. at Fuller Theological Seminary.
Dr. Johnson has taught at Westminster Seminary California since 1982. He previously pastored Orthodox Presbyterian churches in Fair Lawn, New Jersey, and East Los Angeles, California. After teaching New Testament for 16 years, he now teaches primarily preaching and ministry courses, in which he applies his background in biblical studies to the issues of ministry, the church, and the culture.
He is Associate Pastor of New Life Presbyterian Church, a growing Presbyterian Church in America congregation in Escondido. He has served as moderator of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church General Assembly and Presbytery of Southern California, moderator of South Coast Presbytery in the Presbyterian Church in America, member of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church Committee on Christian Education, and trustee of Covenant College. Dr. Johnson has been privileged to preach and teach in Chad, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, Thailand, and the Ukraine.
He is also the author of Triumph of the Lamb: A Commentary on Revelation; Let’s Study Acts; The Message of Acts in the History of Redemption; and Him We Proclaim: Preaching Christ from All the Scriptures, as well as articles and reviews in Westminster Theological Journal, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, Journal of the Evangelical Homiletical Society, and Ligonier Ministries’ Tabletalk. He has contributed essays to volumes such as The New Testament Student and Theology; Theonomy: A Reformed Critique; The Pattern of Sound Doctrine; and Covenant, Justification, and Pastoral Ministry: Essays by the Faculty of Westminster Seminary California. He is a contributor to the Spirit of the Reformation Study Bible and the English Standard Version Study Bible (forthcoming). He also edited Foundations of Christian Education, a collection of addresses to Christian schoolteachers by Cornelius Van Til and Louis Berkhof. You can see a list of some of Dr. Johnson's published works that you may purchase here:
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Harry Kraus: Domesticated Jesus
MP3 Available Here

“I can hear your protests,” says author Harry Kraus, “Jesus Christ cannot be domesticated!
“I’m talking about the way I make myself big. And in the process, I’ve domesticated the Almighty. That sickens me. Shocks me. And it should.
I’ve domesticated the Lord of the universe.”
As the publishers describe Dr. Kraus's new book:
All of us try to domesticate Jesus, too—in little things like doubt, anxiety, or fear about the future. We domesticate him in the way we think about him—letting him into our lives, but only so far, until our control is threatened.
Harry Kraus takes a hard-hitting, soul-searching look at this atrocity that we commit every day—all with the goal of exalting Jesus, finding him as the grand treasure that he is, and challenging all of us to see him more and more in our lives.
In the introduction of Domesticated Jesus, Kraus is quick to explain: “To even associate the name above all other names with a word like 'domesticated' is offensive to the delicate Christian ear,” he acknowledges. “If this offends you, good,” he continues. “It should. I hope that my use of this distasteful title will shock me (and you) into a healthy pondering of just what we’re doing in this life we’ve identified (perhaps too generously) as Christian.”
In Domesticated Jesus, Kraus proposes that in our minds we have created a Jesus who is fenced in, tamed, limited by the controls we set in place. As a result, “Christians” are not living the abundant, free, God-glorifying life that the real Jesus intends. We continually forfeit grace and live in “gospel-debt,” he says.
Guiding readers on a journey of self-discovery, Kraus examines common symptoms that indicate we are making Jesus small—like plastic smiles, guilt, worry and anger. Incorporating his skills as a fiction writer, Kraus sets his lessons in the context of a story. With characters caught in conflict, the points come to life as the story unfolds. Through simple and highly effective character development, readers will see themselves with all the layers pulled back. Kraus further illustrates his points with true illustrations from his experiences as a medical doctor and a missionary. Each chapter ends with a spiritual “prescription” of Bible passages to treat the diagnosed condition.
A board-certified surgeon, Dr. Harry Kraus says that some of his greatest writing ideas hit when he has a scalpel in his hand. He is author of eleven novels and two previous non-fiction titles with total sales of 250,000. A mission doctor in East Africa, he is currently on furlough in the US where he works as a general surgeon in Lexington, Virginia.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
James R. White: Integrity in the Ministry: the Ergun Caner Scandal and Modern Evangelicalism
MP3 Available Here

Ergun Caner is the President and Dean of the Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and Graduate School in Lynchburg, Virginia, founded by the late Jerry Falwell. Dr. Caner's own testimony featuring claims about his past before becoming a Christian, which includes being trained as a jihadist, and living in Turkey and majority Muslim countries, and also his claim to have debated "leaders" in major religions as a defender of Christianity, have become the subject of much controversy because the actual, verifiable, documented facts about Dr. Caner do not support his claims.
During tonight's broadcast, Dr. James R. White will be reviewing the timeline of his dealings with Ergun Caner and the reasons why the recent controversy has much relevance with Christians proclaiming the truths of Christ, His Word and His Gospel in the arena of apologetics with Muslims. For those who have found out about the investigation only recently, this broadcast will hopefully bring you up to speed regarding Dr. White's interactions with Ergun Caner and Liberty University.
You can read an article in Christianity Today addressing the recent controversy concerning Ergun Caner.
Monday, June 7, 2010
John G. Reisinger: A Tribute to My Brother Ernie: From Drunken Carpenter to Prince in the House of Israel
MP3 Available Here

Ernie Reisinger was a pastor, gifted writer and patriarch of the Reformed Baptist movement. Although Ernie's name might not be very well known among Christians outside of Calvinist circles, you can be sure that many of the most renowned of Reformed thinkers today know his work well and are still blessed and edified by it today. Last Monday, May 31, marked the 6th anniversary of Ernie's departing from this earth to Heaven.
Last Monday Tom Ascol, Ernie's pastor and friend for nearly 20 years at Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, Florida,paid tribute to Ernie. The MP3 of that broadcast is available here . You can also read an article written by Dr. Ascol back in 2004 in memory of Ernie here:
Here is an article written by John G. Reisinger the day after his brother's funeral in June of 2004:
A Tribute to My Brother Ernie
By John G. Reisinger
Yesterday I attended my older brother’s funeral. This is the second of my two brothers that have gone home to be with the Lord. At the time of refreshments following the funeral there was an opportunity for personal testimonies and nearly everyone who spoke had come to faith in Christ through my brother Ernie’s witness. On my drive back to New York I kept remembering things about both of my brothers. In some ways they were very much a like and in other ways radically different. At my brother Donald’s funeral over half of the people spoke to me and said, “Your brother Donald was the first person who ever told me the Gospel.” An elderly Amish man said, “I knew a lot about Moses and works but not much about Jesus and grace until I met your brother.” God used my brother Donald’s funeral to bring Ernie’s son Donald to a clear understanding of God’s sovereign grace.
In some ways, my two brothers were two of the greatest Christians I have ever known. Ernest was by far the most famous. I used to say, “My only claim to fame is that I am Ernie Reisinger’s brother” since I was constantly introduced that way at conferences. Under God, I owe my soul to Ernie’s witness to me. I also owe him for many other things over many years. As I said, he was in some ways one the greatest Christian I have ever known. Let me share some things that I think made him the great Christian that he was. I would remind any who feel it is wrong to pay open tribute to a believer’s faithfulness that Scripture says, “Honor to whom honor is due.” It also gives us many examples of God Himself testifying to the faithfulness of some of His saints. Hebrews chapter eleven is only one example.
First of all, Ernie was never bitten with the love of money. He viewed his business as a ministry unto God and seriously treated it as such. The business could have made ten times more money than it did and he would not have been one penny richer. It was God’s business and God’s money. He paid himself a salary and put everything else into a Gospel foundation to help further the cause of Christ. He did not live in expensive homes or drive “rich men’s cars.” He enjoyed the good things of life but never allowed anything to possess him or his affection except the Savior. “Love neither the world nor the things of the world” was not a struggle with Ernie since his heart and life were occupied with something, or Someone, far better.
Secondly, Ernie never did anything in a half hearted way or with a lukewarm attitude. Some may feel he did not always act as wisely as he could have but no one can ever question his zeal or his motive. He could have well answered any critics by saying, “I like the way I do it better than the way you don’t do it.” Let me give a few instances of what I mean.
Not long after Ernie went into the construction business, he went to listen to John Rice preach. He arranged to have the Sword of the Lord, a paper John Rice edited, send for three months to every home with a Carlisle mailing address. During that three month period there were Sword of the Lord’s wrapped around telephone poles, laying in the gutter and doorways, sticking out of garbage cans, etc. I do not know if anyone got converted through that effort but I do know that one whole generation of people living in Carlisle, PA will never say, “No one ever loved me enough to put the Gospel in front of me.” The whole town of Carlisle will be “without excuse” because of Ernie’s effort.
Several years later Ernie went to hear Donald Barnhouse and was greatly impressed. He arranged to have every professional person, doctors, lawyers, dentists, teachers, college professors, etc. living in Carlisle to receive a subscription to Eternity, the magazine edited by Dr. Barnhouse. Again, I have no knowledge of the results of that effort but I do know that one generation of all the professional people in Carlisle had the Gospel set before them through the efforts one building contractor.
There is one instance where a nasty situation was created quite intentionally. Shortly after I went to Bible school I stopped to see Ernie and he gave a “great book” by a man named Andy Telford. It was on the subject of predestination as it relates to personal salvation. I had just recently come to understand the doctrine of sovereign grace in election. I opened the book and the author gave his understanding of predestination on page one. He said, “The doctrine of predestination means that believers are ‘predestined’ to get safely to heaven. It has nothing to with getting saved. It means “pre” and ‘destination.’ The train company predestines or guarantees that a certain train will take you to Chicago. If you will use your free will and get on the train, the train company guarantees that, because of “pre” – “destination” you will arrive safely in Chicago.” I am sure it was not even close to the wisest way to say it, but I blurted out, “The man does not know what he is talking about.” A very nasty discussion followed. What I did not know at the time was that Ernie had gone to hear Mr. Telford and true to form, he had bought 500 copies of his book. All of you who know Ernie will know that he changed his mind about predestination.
Thirdly, Ernie knew how to see the big picture and always keep it in view. He had that rare ability to be a 100% idealist and 100% realist at he same time. It was this gift that enabled him to accomplish many things that the pure idealist would never touch with a ten foot pole and the 100% realist would say it was neither practical nor possible. Ernie was chided for going into the Southern Baptist. He was called a compromiser because he bent over backwards to take people where they were and slowly teach them “a better way.” Few, if any, Reformed Baptists could have started or developed the Founders Ministries in the Southern Baptist. I personally think the Founders was one of Ernie’s greatest accomplishments even though that ministry, along with Ernie’s disagreement with the view of Eldership practiced by men like Al Martin, created one of the splits within Reformed Baptists that exists to this day. I should add that I personally feel the split was more than justified.
During the last fifty years Ernie and I differed on more than one subject. It would be dishonest with history and a dishonor to both my brother and myself to gloss over the obvious. On nearly all of our differences over the years we ultimately reached agreement, the one exception being the morality of the Sabbath commandment and Law and Grace in general. Of all our theological differences over the years, this is the only one that he refused to discuss with me even though he wrote quite extensively on the subject. He sincerely believed and stated , “There is nothing to discuss, the creeds have said it all.” I would feel that Ernie did not really understand what I believed. I was often asked, “How do you feel about your brother Ernie’s strong disagreement with you over law and grace?” I would reply, “If I believed what Ernie thinks I believe, I would be more upset than he is. Given what he thinks I believe, he would be a hypocrite if he were not upset. He is more than justified in opposing me as long as thinks as he does about my convictions.” It would be both unfair and untrue for anyone to say, “Ernie worshipped the creeds.” He did not. He was committed to the theology of the Westminster Confession of Faith only because he sincerely believed it was the true expression of what Scripture taught. This is why I could honestly respect his convictions and sincerely respect and love him as a Godly Christian. I can understand exactly why at one point he could most conscientiously regard me as being on the border line of heresy. I think in later life he modified that to mean I was “grievously wrong.” However, his attitude was based 100% on what he believed the Scriptures taught and what he understood me to be teaching.
Ernie’s body will lie silently in the grave until the resurrection but we will still hear him speak. Though he is dead his voice will be heard for a long time. We will see his foot prints in a lot of places and in a lot lives for many years to come. Ernie’s death coincided with Ronald Reagan’s death. As I listened to the many changes that had taken place in the world of politics because of Reagan’s vision and influence, I thought of Ernie. I heard Reagan list a few of the things that he and his philosophy had changed and then he said, “Not bad, not bad at all.” I thought of a ninth grade drop out well on the way to being an alcoholic being rescued by sovereign grace and then having the unbelievable effect on so many lives and the well being of the Church of God at large and I thought, “Not bad! Not bad at all!”
Before he was converted Ernie had never read a single book. He did not even read the funny papers. His conversion filled him with a thirst for knowledge and truth that made him wiser than his peers. Despite his lack of education his greatest influence was with professional people. Again we can rightly say, “Not bad, not bad at all.” God took a nobody and really made him a somebody. He took a drunken carpenter and made him a Prince in the House of Israel. He will be both remembered and missed.
You can find out more about our guest John G. Reisinger, his sermons and his books, here:
You can order Geoff Thomas's biography of Ernie Reisinger here:
Friday, June 4, 2010
The Pastor's Roundtable
MP3 Available Here
"The Pastors' Roundtable" is the Friday edition of the "Iron Sharpens Iron" program. This is our feature enabling you, the listener, to call in on any subject regarding the Christian Faith (typically, Monday through Thursday you are only permitted to ask questions regarding the specific topic our guests are focussing on each particular day, but not so during "The Pastors' Roundtable"). If your question involves a personal, sensitive matter over which you need pastoral advice, please remain anonymous, and keep all other parties involved anonymous.
This Week's Pastoral Panel:
Pastor David Anglin, St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Amityville, Long Island, NY (see
Pastor Michael Leach, All Saints Redeemer Church, Decatur, GA (see
Pastor Meint Ploegman, Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Bohemia, Long Island, NY (see
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Julius Kim: Proclaiming Christ from all the Scripture: A Call for Christ-Centered, Redemptive-Historical Preaching
MP3 Available Here

Julius Kim received his B.A. from Vanguard University, his M.Div. from Westminster Seminary California and his Ph.D. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
Prior to taking his current position at Westminster Seminary California, Dr. Kim ministered in a variety of ecclesiastical and academic settings. He has served in Presbyterian Church in America churches in California and Illinois. His current church calling is as Associate Pastor of New Life Presbyterian Church in Escondido. Dr. Kim also continues to serve the broader Christian community as a preacher, speaker, and ministry consultant—especially for the Korean-American church. While in Illinois, he taught undergraduate communications at Trinity International University and church history at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Following a brief tenure as Visiting Scholar with the Faculty of Divinity at Cambridge University, Dr. Kim returned to Southern California to serve as Dean of Students and to teach practical theology at WSC.
Dr. Kim also directs the Center for Pastoral Refreshment at WSC, a unique institute dedicated to helping sustain pastoral excellence among Korean-American pastors. In addition to his doctoral concentration on English church history during the Restoration, his research interests include the history of preaching, homiletics, and Asian-American Christianity. His goals are to contribute both to the church and the academy through his teaching,preaching, and writing. In addition to his contribution to the book Heralds of the King: Christ-centered Sermons in the Tradition of Edmund P. Clowney, Dr. Kim is the author of The Religion of Reason and the Reason for Religion: John Tillotson and the Latitudinarian Defense of Christianity, 1630–1694 and a contributor to Covenant, Justification, and Pastoral Ministry: Essays by the Faculty of Westminster Seminary California.
Dr. Kim is one of seven speakers on the roster for the "God's Wrath or Redemption Conference" this August 4 & 5 in New York City. For details on how to register at a substantially discounted rate go to
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Jim Renihan: True Love: Understanding the real meaning of Christian love
MP3 Available Here

1 Corinthians 13:
1If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
2If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
3And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing.
4Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant,
5does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered,
6does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;
7bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away.
9For we know in part and we prophesy in part;
10but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away.
11When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.
12For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.
13But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.
As Dr. Renihan very aptly puts it in the Preface of his book:
Christian love is central to the life of every believer. When Paul speaks of the work of the Holy Spirit in Jesus' followers, love is the first item he mentions (Galatians 5:22); when our Saviour prepared his disciples for the events of that final night in Jerusalem, and everything that would come after, he spoke to them about love (John 13). Perhaps it is not an overstatement to say that love is at the root of the Christian faith - it is God's abiding and everlasting love that gives impetus to the incarnation of Christ and the redemption of his people.
At first glance, it is surprising that there is so little literature available about love. There may be different reasons for this. While the topic is very important, it is also difficult. Love is not easily defined. In some ways, it is simpler to experience love than to characterize it. Similarly, no author should think that he or she adequately understands, and especially expresses love. When we ask ourselves questions such as ‘Am I qualified to write to others about love?' we recognize how far short of the standard we come. We are all striving after a better expression of this grace.
‘Jim Renihan warmly and ably opens up the great subject of love in 1 Corinthians 13. He challenges our self-centredness and urges us to pursue true love - a love which is founded in God's prior love and is to permeate and motivate every aspect of the Christian's life.'
Robert Strivens, Principal, London Theological Seminary
'Many have only heard 1 Corinthians 13 at weddings. This sublime description of love mentions fruits which must be found in a home if marriage and child-rearing are to succeed. Yet Paul's matchless portrayal of love is actually placed in another setting. The apostle was describing the highest contribution a Christian can make in the church or in the lifelong service of God and man.
In his day, as in our own, there were claims of more dazzling and colorful spiritual abilities granted to Christians, such as miracle-working and tongue-speaking. These seemed to be so much more productive and helpful than were ‘mere' love. Yet after listing the great gifts granted to followers of Jesus, Paul said, ‘I show you a still more excellent way. What follows is this masterpiece on love.
Mr. Renihan's work draws out the indicators of love so that we may search out the level of this gift of the Spirit in ourselves. Furthermore his study aims to make us aspire to have and to exercise this gift more than any other and to value it as the most eminent quality in others. You must not neglect this subject!' Walter J. Chantry
This profound and lively study shows how 1 Corinthians 13 fits into the message of the Epistle as a whole of the and not just how it connects with chapters 12 and 14. Taking that wider and more biblical focus enables Jim Renihan to talk to Christians and to churches in a truly pastoral spirit.'
Hywel Jones
'The part that most people seem to like about Christianity is love. How many times have you heard 1 Corinthians 13 read at weddings? Yet love is gravely misunderstood in our culture, apart from the wider scope of God's character, commands, and saving work in Christ. James Renihan deserves our gratitude, because he neither sentimentalizes nor intellectualizes love. Here is a rich, vivid, and concrete exploration of this fantastic subject.' Michael Horton
Dr. Renihan received his M.Div. from Seminary of the East and his Ph.D. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He has more than 15 years of pastoral experience in Baptist churches, and is currently an elder at the Escondido Reformed Baptist Church in California (see
Dr. Renihan’s writings include:
Denominations or Associations? Essays on Reformed Baptist Associations (editor, contributor)
Daily Treasure: 366 Daily readings on the Psalms from The Treasury of David by C. H. Spurgeon (editor)
True Confessions: Baptist Documents in the Reformed Family
Online Articles:
Confessing the Faith in 1644 and 1689
The Kingdom of God: What it is and What it is not
The Doctrinal and Practical Standards for Local Church Membership According to the Bible and the Second London Confession of Faith (2005 ARBCA Circular Letter)
Church Planting and the London Baptist Confessions of Faith
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Fred Lybrand: Romance, Love & Relating in the Church
MP3 Available Here

Dr. Lybrand attended the University of Alabama and majored in English Literature, with a double-minor emphasis in speech communication and fiction writing. He went on to teach the introductory speech communications class while also attending law school at Alabama. A hunger to understand the Word of God, however, led him to withdraw in order to pursue theological studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. Dr. Lybrand graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1989, and received a doctorate from Phoenix Seminary, 2007.
In January 2010, Dr. Lybrand retired from a 24 year career as a pastor of two churches in Texas. At Midland Bible Church he helped build a church which has launched ministries in several continents (including successful church-planting efforts in Uganda), as well as serving as a founding board (and faculty) member for Midland Classical Academy, a Socratic-method based high school. The school provides a “classical education” focused on teaching students through the Socratic Method using classical books, interactive science and math, logic, fine arts, and the creative process—all built on the foundation of the Bible. At Northeast Bible Church (Evangelical Free Church) in the San Antonio area, Dr. Lybrand helped redesign the church to grow as a disciple-making center for promoting the grace of God. Teaching and counseling in the church context has been a long-term focus of Lybrand's labors.
Dr. Lybrand is also the founding executive director and a past president of the Free Grace Alliance (, an organization committed to coordinating and connecting the various “free grace” leaders, organizations, and churches in the USA and abroad.
Dr. Lybrand's interests in communication, teamwork, and individual giftedness has led him into human resource consulting with a variety of companies and firms including large independent oil and gas exploration companies—Burlington Resources (now ConocoPhillips), Marathon Oil, Encana, and Pioneer Natural Resources. His work with Pioneer Natural Resources led Lybrand and Hermann Eben to develop a leadership development and organizational consulting business, TrimTab Solutions. Under the mentoring of Robert Fritz, Lybrand is certified as a Business Structural Consultant, an Individual Structural Consultant, a Creating What Matters Facilitator, a Kolbe Conative Index Interpreter, a Consultant in Natural Church Development Processes, and a Think on Your Feet Associate and is also certified in the Kolbe Conative Index and the MBTI. All of these studies have to do with how to improve effectiveness in human contribution.
Dr. Lybrand has been married to Jody White Lybrand, his college sweetheart, for 27 years. They have five children: Tripp, Laura, Forrest, Holmes, and Brooks. Jody has a master’s degree in early childhood education and does the larger share of the homeschooling for the Lybrand gang, all of whom have been schooled from birth to college at home. Dr. Lybrand agrees that 'if you can't say it you don't know it', and with writing as his first love, he created The Writing Course a curriculum to teach kids to overcome every fear of writing on the way to writing well.
In addition to Glaen: A Novel Message on Romance, Love, and Relating, Lybrand has written and published five other books entitled Preaching on Your Feet; Back to Faith: Reclaiming gospel clarity in an age of incongruence; About Life and Uganda, ; The Absolute Quickest Way to Help Your Child Change; and Heavenly Citizenship: The Spiritual Alternative to Power Politics.
Dr. Lybrand's personal website is