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Guest: Ron Glass, Pastor of Wading River Baptist Church , Suffolk County, Long Island, NY; former Adjunct Professor of Bible Exposition at Talbot School of Theology.
MP3 Available Here The Pastors' Roundtable" is the Friday edition of the "Iron Sharpens Iron" program. This is our feature enabling you, the listener, to call in on any subject regarding the Christian Faith (typically, Monday through Thursday you are only permitted to ask questions regarding the specific topic our guests are focussing on each particular day, but not so during "The Pastors' Roundtable"). If your question involves a personal, sensitive matter over which you need pastoral advice, please remain anonymous, and keep all other parties involved anonymous.
This Week's Pastoral Panel:
Pastor Bruce Bennett, Word of Truth Church, Suffolk County, Long Island, NY
Pastor Rich Jensen, Hope Reformed Baptist Church, Medford, Long Island, NY (see www.HopeReformedLI.net)
Dr. David Murray (former pastor at Lochcarron Free Church of Scotland and Stornoway Free Church of Scotland--Continuing), currently Professor of Old Testament and Practical Theology, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, MI (see www.PuritanSeminary.org)
MP3 Available Here Louis C. Love, Jr., pastor of New Life Fellowship Church in Vernon Hills, IL, will address the theme: "The Doors of the Church are Opened (And How I Walked In)!: An African American's Journey into Reformed Christianity".
Tonight's theme has been taken from the title of the chapter our guest Louis C. Love contributed to the book Glory Road: The Journeys of 10 African-Americans into Reformed Christianity.
In describing his personal journey into Reformed Christianity our guest said: "Many [African-Americans] have come from faulty understandings of the gospel, and when hearing the doctrines of grace, their hearts are set free. Was I truly a believer back in the day when I walked forward, took my seat, got baptized, and received the right hand of fellowship, obtaining all the rights and privileges of any other member of the church? Probably not. Was I truly 'saved' when I asked Jesus in my heart on that peaceful weekday evening? I really don't know. However, as my mother used to say, 'I know one thing'--when the Lord gripped my heart with the truth of his sovereign grace from the pages of the book of Romans, 'the doors of the church were opened,' and by God's amazing grace, I most assuredly walked in."
Louis C. Love, Jr. was born and raised in South Bend, Indiana. He and Jamie were married February 10, 1979. Louis and his family moved to Dallas, Texas where he and Jamie attended the Dallas Bible College. Four
years later he and his family returned to South Bend where he pastored two Churches, New Hope Baptist Church and New Life Bible Baptist Church.
Louis and his family moved to Lake County Illinois in 1992 and became members of First Southern Baptist Church in Waukegan under the Pastorate of Mitchell Dowell. Following in the steps of his great grandfather Abraham Bunting, and desiring to impact the Church with the truth of the Gospel, Louis sensed the call to become a Church planter and it was at this time in 1997 that he planted the New Life Fellowship Church in Vernon Hills. What began as a Church plant built upon the expository preaching of the Word of God, quickly blossomed into a heart-felt urgency to spread the truth of the Historic teachings of the Reformation to the people of central Lake County.
Louis in his spare time (though limited) can be found reading and discussing theological works from the Puritan era with Jamie, rummaging second hand book shops with his buddy Mike Goolsby and weather permitting, grilling for family and friends. Louis and Jamie have three adult children, Janelle, Louis III (wife Marcy), and Stephen. They have seven grandchildren, Jeremiah, Louis IV, Victoria, Nehemiah, Johanan, Lydia, and Naomi Faye.
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Anthony J. Carter, pastor of East Point Church in East Point, GA, will address the theme: "Black, Reformed, but Foremost Christian."
As our guest Pastor Tony so profoundly put it, "...our service--yes, our worship and allegiance--is not first to the black cause, though noble it may be at times. It is not first to the Reformed cause, though grand it may appear to be. It means that our service is to Christ first and last, now and at all times. If we can serve Christ while sincerely serving an African-American cause, then let us do it. If we can serve Christ while promoting a Reformed agenda, then by all means let us do so. But if Christ is in conflict with the black cause or the Reformed agenda at any point or at any time, then may we have the courage to say, 'Away with blackness and away with Reformedness--give us Jesus and Jesus only'. It means that we must understand that Martin Luther King Jr. gave his life that we might vote, but Christ gave his life that we might live. Frederick Douglas gave his life that we might be free from slavery, but Christ gave his life that we might be free from slavery to sin and death. We are black; there is no mistaking that. We are Reformed, and make no mistake about that. But these two distinctions have revelance only insofar as they are understood in light of the fact that we are Christian. C.H. Spurgeon said, 'I am never ashamed to avow myself a Calvinist; I do not hesitate to take the name of Baptist; But if I am asked what my creed is, I reply, "It is Jesus Christ"'..."
Tony was born and raised in Woodland Park, MI where he was educated through high school in Baldwin Community Schools. He attended Atlanta Christian College where he received a Bachelor of Arts Degree. Following Bible College, he enrolled in Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando FL, where he received a Masters of Arts in Biblical Studies. He is the author of several books including On Being Black and Reformed: A New Look at the African-American Christian Experience and the contributing editor of Experiencing the Truth: Bringing the Reformation to the African-American Church and Glory Road: The Journeys of 10 African-Americans into Reformed Christianity. Besides his pastoral and preaching responsibilities at East Point Church, he is a frequent conference speaker, guest lecturer and preacher.
Tony is married to the lovely Adriane Carter. Adriane is a faithful homemaker, educator, and enthusiastic support of her husband in ministry. Their marriage of has bore the fruit of 5 wonderful children: Anthony Jr., Rachel, Sarah, Siera, and Ana. Together they desire to see the kingdom of God reflected in their home and in the lives of those to whom God graciously calls them to minister. They see this church plant as another way of God extending His kingdom throughout the world and they thank Him for all that He is doing in and through them.
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Redditt Andrews III, pastor of Soaring Oaks Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Elk Grove, CA, will address the theme: "A Plea For Real Answers: An African-American's Journey into Reformed Christianity".
Tonight's theme is taken from the title of the chapter Pastor Andrews contributed to the book "Glory Road: The Journeys of Ten African-Americans into Reformed Christianity" (see http://www.crossway.org/search?q=Glory+road ).
As our put it when describing his personal journey into Reformed Christianity, "Though I regularly read the Scriptures, I was drowning in questions for which I had no answers. I consulted commentaries only to discover they differed among themselves, and I wasn't sure how to decide which was right. I began again to be interested in more formal training. This time I decided to be more careful and discerning in my selection of an instruction. During this period my pastor quoted the 19th century English preacher Charles Haddon Spurgeon during one of his more fiery sermons...it marked the opening of an entirely new chapter in my life. A short time later I inquired about Spurgeon and was directed to a book he wrote entitled 'Lectures to My Students'. I had never read such a book before; I would have great difficulty expressing the strange inward delight it brought me. I sensed that I was moving toward what I had longed for since I was a child, namely a theological bedrock on which I could not only rest my faith but even build a ministry..."
Reddit Andrews, III was born in Hartford Connecticut and dramatically converted to Christ December 1987, seven months after marrying Nadine Cook of Jamaica. They have two children, Felice Brionne and Shannon Nicole.
As a student, Reddit has enjoyed an active academic career, serving as student chaplain, spiritual life advisor, Dean of Chapel at Trinity International University, Deerfield Campus, and as President of the Association of Believers for Black America in Illinois. Reddit also founded Coram Deo, a student fellowship that ministered to halfway houses, rescue missions and prisons throughout South Florida. Reddit was awarded a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Trinity International University, South Florida Campus in 1997 and a Master of Divinity from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois in 2000.
He has served as Assistant Pastor at First Baptist Piney Grove, Fort Lauderdale Florida, and Assistant Pastor at First Presbyterian Church, Augusta, Georgia. In November 2001 he was called to serve as Senior Pastor of Soaring Oaks Presbyterian Church, in Elk Grove, California, were he currently resides.
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Roger Skepple, pastor of Berean Bible Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA, will address the theme: "Looking For Love in All the Wrong Places: Is Reformed Theology Antithetical to the Love of God? (An African-American's Journey)".
According to our guest, Roger Skepple, "Throughout my journey, I have always heard that Reformed soteriology ignores the love of God, reduces it to an insignificant place, or belittles it. However, I have found over the years, it is only in comprehending the elective love of God in the context of his righteous wrath against sin that we come to find and understand the true depth and extent of the love the Father has bestowed upon us in Christ. Truly I found love, albeit in all the wrong places (to some)..."
Tonight's theme is taken from the title of Roger Skepple's chapter in the book "Glory Road: The Journeys of 10 African-Americans into Reformed Christianity".
Roger was born on the small West Indian island of Antigua. His parents, the late Adolphus Daniel Skepple and his widow Ineta Skepple, moved the family to Kingston Ontario Canada when he was only two and half years old. There he grew up and went to school. Upon graduating from high school having majored in science and mathematics Roger decided to go to Word of Life Bible Institute in Schroon Lake, New York, a one year program, before he would begin a degree in Electrical Engineering. While there he was called to the ministry and decided to attend Liberty University to train for the ministry.
Roger graduated from Liberty University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Religion with a major in Pastoral Ministry and a minor in Biblical Studies. After which he attended his Masters Degree in Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1991, double majoring in New Testament Literature and Exegesis and Systematic Theology Studies. He began post-graduate work in the Doctor of Philosophy program at Dallas Theological Seminary in 1994 and continued in that program until he and his family, Teresa and their four children, relocated to Atlanta Georgia.
Before becoming the Senior Pastor of Berean Bible Baptist Church in May of 1998, Roger was active in ministry at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas, where Roger was ordained for the ministry in 1991. Roger has experience in serving as an interim pastor and conference speaker, has served on several different levels of the ministry at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship throughout his eight years there, including responsibilities for adult ministries, such as Singles, Single Parents, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship's Lay Institute, etc., and completed his tenure at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship as the Associate Pastor of Christian Education (5 years), where Dr. Anthony T. Evans is the co-founder and senior pastor.
Pastor Skepple is also the author of Overcoming Life's Challenges: Biblical Answers For Life's Difficulties, Foundations for Spiritual Growth: Building on His Word, From God to Man: An Investigation of the Nature, Origins and Formation of the Bible and The Doctrines of Grace: A Biblical Introduction : Chosen from the Foundation of the World. To view a presentation by Pastor Roger Skepple defining Sovereign Grace click here:
MP3 Available Here Lance Lewis, pastor of Christ Liberation Fellowship in Philadelphia, PA, will address the theme: "The Old Bait & Switch: Did Calvary Offer an Opportunity for Redemption or Did it Redeem? (An African American's Journey into Reformed Christianity".
As Pastor Lewis so aptly put it: "Why must we hold to and promote [Reformed] theology? We must do so because it is the truth. It is the truth about God, his Son, and his salvation. We must do so because it brings glory to God. I am in full agreement with the answer to the first question of the Westminster Shorter Catechism. The question is: 'What is the chief end of man?' The answer: 'Man's chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.' We must do so because black people will find ourselves, our dignity, our purpose, and our destiny only when we confess and agree with the song of the apostle Paul in Romans 11:
'Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!'..."
Pastor Lance Lewis also contributed a chapter to the book "Glory Road: The Journey of Ten African-Americans into Reformed Christianity" (see http://www.crossway.org/search?q=Glory+Road ).
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Michael Leach, pastor of All Saints Redeemer Church in Stone Mountain, GA, will address the theme: "The Journey of An African-American into Reformed Christianity".
As Pastor Leach put it so very, very well, "What are some of the Reformed doctrines that have impacted me most? The answers are legion, but the doctrine of Christ bestrides them all like an imposing giant colossus. There is no other person in all of Scripture and in all of history who is as dominant and disparaged, perfect and spurned, good and despised, loving and rejected, as he is. No other religious faith teaches self-revelation of God in the weakness of human flesh. No other holds to the doctrine of God, who lowered himself to live among his creatures, undergoing all of their experiences, except for sin, and then paying the penalty for their sin with his life. No other religion or faith can claim such a profound history of redemption. None other dares to contemplate at the same time the vast disparity and immeasurable distance between Creator and creature, between a holy God and sinful man, as well as the nearness of God and man, the very bridging of this gap by our Mediator, the God-Man, Jesus Christ himself. The doctrine of Christ, a sine qua non of biblical Christianity, reaches its fullest exposition in the traditions of the Reformed faith..."
Pastor Leach also teaches theology and homiletics at American University of Bible Studies in Decatur, GA (see www.aubs.edu), and is a contributor to the book "Glory Road: The Journeys of 10 African-Americans into Reformed Christianity".
MP3 Available Here "The Pastors' Roundtable" is the Friday edition of the "Iron Sharpens Iron" program. This is our feature enabling you, the listener, to call in on any subject regarding the Christian Faith (typically, Monday through Thursday you are only permitted to ask questions regarding the specific topic our guests are focussing on each particular day, but not so during "The Pastors' Roundtable"). If your question involves a personal, sensitive matter over which you need pastoral advice, please remain anonymous, and keep all other parties involved anonymous.
This Week's Pastoral Panel:
Pastor Rich Jensen, Hope Reformed Baptist Church, Medford, Long Island, NY (see www.HopeReformedLI.net)
Pastor Joseph Scarlata, Christ Covenant Community Church, Hendersonville, NC (see www.ChristCovenantCommunity.org)
Pastor Jack Thomas, Massapequa Bible Ministries, Massapequa, Long Island, NY (see www.MassBibMin.org)
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Leon Brown, founder of the Evangelism Team ministry, will address the theme: "God's Wrath or Redemption".
Tonight's theme is also the theme of the upcoming "John 10;16 Conference" scheduled to be held August 4th & 5th, 2010 in New York, NY, where our guest will be speaking with other renown men such as: Michael Horton, James White, Dennis Johnson, Mark Spence, Voddie Baucham and Julius Kim. The conference will officially begin taking registration March 1, 2010, at www.john1016conference.com. Leon, as well as the others, hope to make New York an annual stop for a yearly conference. Tonight Leon will also discuss his testimony of being an African American Reformed Baptist.
Leon is a graduate of the University of San Diego with a degree in Communication Studies. He currently attends Westminster Seminary California where he is obtaining an MDiv. He plans to pursue further education in another graduate and post-graduate school where he will obtain degrees in British literature.
Leon is a requested conference speaker, experienced evangelist, and itinerant preacher. He has had articles published in Christian Renewal magazine. He is currently working on publishing in other magazines with topics such as, "Why aren't our Reformed churches more ethnically diverse?" and "Why we don't have the apocrypha in our Bibles." In the Summer of 2010, he plans to resume his current work on the doctrine of baptism, where he desires to publish a book, which answers the question, "If credo-baptism is true, how then should we raise our
children in light of the administration of the covenant of grace in the New Testament."
Leon is currently working on a church plant initiative in the San Diego, CA area (see www.ChurchPlantPointLoma.com).
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Peter R. Jones, Scholar in Residence and Adjunct Professor of Practical Theology at Westminster Seminary California, and contributing author and editor of "On Global Wizardry: Techniques of Pagan Spirituality", will address the theme: "The Rise of Neo-Paganism & Its Threat to the Church".
Dr. Jones received his B.A. from the University of Wales, his B.D. from Gordon Divinity School, his Th.M. from Harvard Divinity School and his Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary. He was Professor of New Testament at Westminster Seminary California from 1991 to 2003.
Dr. Jones was born in Liverpool, England, where he would buy fish and chips on Penny Lane with John Lennon, a high school friend with whom he shared a desk for five years. He and his family came to the U.S. in 1991, after 18 years of cross-cultural mission work on behalf of the Presbyterian Church in America, assisting the theological training of Reformed pastors and church planters in France. He taught Greek and New Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary, and was Professeur de Nouveau Testament and Director of the Master’s Programme, Faculté de Théologie Réformée d’Aix-en-Provence. Among his writings are: A Second Moses According to 2 Corinthians 2:14-4:6; God’s Inerrant Word (contributor); “1 Corinthians 15:8—Paul the Last Apostle” Tyndale Bulletin; The Gnostic Empire Strikes Back; La deuxième épître de Paul aux Corinthiens; Spirit Wars; Gospel Truth & Pagan Lies; Capturing the Pagan Mind; Cracking Da Vinci’s Code; Stolen Identity; The God of Sex, and articles in La Revue Réformée, Etudes Evangéliques, Ichthus, and Hokhma.
In January 2003, Dr. Jones was named Scholar in Residence and Adjunct Professor at Westminster Seminary California. He is director of Christian Witness to a Pagan Planet, now truthXchange, a national and international teaching, preaching, and writing ministry for the church and the campus. Dr. Jones is also an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America and serves on the executive committee of the World Reformed Fellowship. He and his wife, Rebecca, live in Escondido, CA.
Dr. Jones will be a featured speaker at the upcoming conference titled "Exchange the Truth & the Lie", to be held in San Diego, CA, June 17 & 18, 2010 (see http://www.thexchangeconference.com/).
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Steve Camp, well known Christian recording artist, writer of a Grammy Award-winning song, theologically Reformed Christian apologist and founder of audienceONE Ministries will address the theme: "The Need For the Wrath of God in Evangelism: A Warning About Ear-Ticklers".
Many of the most popular televangelists, radio preachers, authors and conference speakers today, and many who pastor some of the largest congregations in America today, preach a "safe" gospel, offering the "Good News" regarding many wonderful benefits that follow becoming a Christian (some of which are not actually promised in this life by the Scriptures), but offering *no* "Bad News" for those who rejcect Christ and His Gospel (or for professing Christians who disobey Christ).
Steve Camp will seek tonight to convey the important message that this is the false gospel we are warned about in Jeremiah 6:14: "They have healed the brokenness of My people superficially, Saying, 'Peace, peace,' But there is no peace."... and the false gospel Paul warned us about in 2 Tim. 4: 3-4: "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths."
Iron Sharpens Iron 30 Day Archive
"As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend"- Proverbs 27:17