Here are some highlights from a letter written to Chris Arnzen, host of Iron Sharpens Iron:
I listen to Iron Sharpens Iron over the internet (I live in Japan) and
happened upon a discussion Dr. Fred Miller had with Chris Arnzen in 2008.
I spent over 15 years in Rev. Moon's group, and was married to a man chosen for me by Moon. After 15 years, and after our first two children were born, I realized it was all based on lies and deception and left the group. My husband listened to what I had to say, and he had to admit it was all a lie too. We didn't even know if we should keep our marriage since it was based on Moon's decision! But we knew divorce wasn't an option with two small children and we somehow kept going. It was the most difficult time in my life.
Later on, the Lord led us to Himself through the Bible (and some books by CS Lewis) and we were baptized in a Christian church ten years ago. It hasn't been easy but somehow God has never let go of us, he has guided us to this day.
We now have 5 children, and live in Japan (I am American, my husband is Japanese), and are raising our children the best we can in a nation where Christianity is less than 1%!
I wanted to tell you this, because when Chris asked Dr. Miller if he knew people who had left, how they fared - I wanted to let you know there is hope! I hope our story can be a help to others you may meet.
I am SO GLAD Dr. Miller is trying to alert pastors and ministers to the truth of the many front groups used by Rev. Moon to get into the churches.
MP3 Available Here Featuring:Pastor Meint Ploegman, Orthodox Presbyterian Church of Bohemia, Bohemia, Long Island, NY
Pastor Ken Silva, Connecticut River Baptist Church & Apprising Ministries, Claremont, NH
Pastor Al Stein, Neighborhood Assembly of God, Bellmore, Long Island, NY
Pastor Scott Kraniak, Centereach Bible Church, Centereach, Long Island, NY
MP3 Available Here
Ken Silva, pastor of Connecticut River Baptist Church & president of Apprising Ministries in Claremont, NH, will address the theme: "The Gurus of the Emergent Church: A Response to the Mysticism & Universalism of Shane Hipps & Rob Bell".
Apprising Ministries pointed out recently Shane Hipps Accepts Teaching Pastor Job With Rob Bell at Mars Hill Bible Church in Grand Rapids, MI. For more background on MHBC’s new co-pastor alongside Rob Bell, who, as our guest today, Ken Silva, describes as "the Elvis of the egregiously ecumenical Emerging Church aka Emergent Church de-formation of the Christian faith—now morphing into Emergence Christianity", go to Shane
Pastor Hipps preached two sermons, Fasting and Feasting and A Gentle Stillness in July of this year at MHBC, which he tells us was “the second week of a series” that they were doing “on spiritual practices.”
In that latter sermon, A Gentle Stillness, you’ll read as Hipps leads MHBC while they “practice some silence together.” Our guest Ken Silva was personally involved with meditation before he was regenerated and has been "studying this spiritually corrupt Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism (CSM) ala Living Spiritual Teacher and Quaker mystic Richard Foster and his spiritual twin Dallas Willard for years now..." Ken literally has hundreds of books concerning CSM from virtually every religion and “silence” is mystic-speak for meditation in an altered state of consciousness, which is precisely what it is.
Hipps himself explains below this practice of silence is not simply being alone and not speaking, it is going within one’s self in a transcendental meditation-lite for the Christian aka Contemplative/Centering Prayer. The new co-teaching pastor at Mars Hill Bible Church confides that practicing meditation:
has become probably one of the most transformative thing that has opened me to God in ways that nothing else ever has…so I love this practice…[it's not] just about external silence,…[it's]about finding internal silence…
[This is] going within and practicing silence…it is the practice of releasing ourselves into the heart of God and connecting with the source of life… The point is not the twenty minutes…the point is how you begin to experience life the rest of the hours of the day.
MP3 Available Here
James R. White, author of "The King James Only Controversy", founder & director of Alpha & Omega Ministries , a theologically Reformed Christian apologetics ministry based in Phoenix, AZ, will address the theme: "King James Only Gone Wild!: A Response to the Scheduled Bible & Book Burning in North Carolina".
Pastor Marc Grizzard of Amazing Grace Baptist Church in Canton, NC , has scheduled a "Halloween Book Burning" this Saturday during which, according to their web site, in addition to books by popular authors: "We are burning Satan's bibles like the NIV, RSV, NKJV, TLB, NASB, NEV, NRSV, ASV, NWT, Good News for Modern Man, The Evidence Bible, The Message Bible, The Green Bible, ect..."
While our guest today, Dr. James R. White, does not endorse the use of all of these versions listed above, nor does he have high esteem for all of the authors of books planned to be tossed into the fire this Saturday, he will respond to this kind of activity and the mindset that would lead to such an event as this, especially in light of the fact he considers some of these versions to be excellent, and that some of the authors of books scheduled to be burned are men Dr. White would highly recommend.
Pastor Marc Grizzard, host of the Bible & Book Burning, has been invited to participate in our broadcast and this was his reply:Hello Chris,
You are asking for a debate, but must be lacking Bible knowledge. In Romans 1:28-29 Paul said, " And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers," I realize a so-called Bible "scholar" like Mr. White will say different, because his perversions have removed the word "debate." Mr. White does not believe the King James Bible is the preserved, inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God. He may have the save vocabulary, but he uses a different dictionary. He is a liberal, compromiser, and a heretic as far as I'm concerned. The fact is, he has abandoned the Word of God. "LET GOD BE TRUE BUT EVERY MAN; A LIAR!
For you to have someone to come on your show that questions the Word of God, corrections it, adds to it, doubts it, lies about it, and removes it, does not say much for you or your so-called Christian radio station.
Pastor Marc GrizzardIn addition to his labors for the furtherance of the Kingdom of Christ with Alpha & Omega Ministries, Dr. James R. White is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics. He has authored or contributed to more than twenty books, including "The King James Only Controversy", "The Forgotten Trinity", "The Potter's Freedom: A Defense of the Reformation & A Rebuttal of Norman Geisler's 'Chosen But Free'", "Dangerous Airwaves: Harold Camping Refuted & Christ's Church Defended" and "The God Who Justifies" (see a complete list of Dr. White's available works here).
He is an accomplished debater, having engaged in more than fifty moderated, public debates with leading proponents of Roman Catholicism, Liberal Protestantism, Homosexual Activism, Oneness Pentecostalism, Islam, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Mormonism, in addition to having collegial, "in-house" debates with friends & brothers in Christ over issues ranging from the biblical subjects of baptism to the doctrines of Calvinism.
He is an elder of the Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church, has been married to Kelli for more than twenty-two years, and has two children, Joshua and Summer. Listen to Dr. White's live, call-in Internet program "The Dividing Line" at
MP3 Available Here
James R. White, founder & director of Alpha & Omega Ministries , a theologically Reformed Christian apologetics ministry based in Phoenix, AZ, will address the theme: "Obama & Gommorah: Our President's pledge to Homosexual Activists to Bring the US closer to Sodom".
Today, Dr. White will air clips from Barach Obama's Saturday speech to the Human Rights Campaign, a radical group promoting super rights based upon sexual behavior, and will then provide a biblical, Christian response to each clip. Dr. White shares here the one line that, as he listened to the speech on Saturday evening, caused him to stop the recording and roll it back to make sure he heard it correctly. And though it has gotten next to no commentary (Dr. Mohler likewise saw it as the most important statement), it is without a doubt the most important part of the speech:
"You will see a time in which we as a nation finally recognize relationships between two men or two women as just as real and admirable as relationships between a man and a woman..." (Applause.) --- President Barach Obama, October 10, 2009
To which Dr. White responds:
"The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men." (Psalm 12:8, God)xxx
MP3 Available Here
James Swan, who is involved in teaching ministry at the Pompton Plains Reformed Bible Church in New Jersey, will address "Did Martin Luther Believe in the Reformed Tulip?"
James has a hobby of tracking down obscure Luther facts. Today we'll examine some of the recent claims about Martin Luther, as well as address the similarities between Calvinism and Luther's theology.Because of the emphasis James places on the Reformation, his writing tends to attract defenders of the Roman Catholic Church. He spends considerable time interacting with the arguments and materials they produce, calling them to embrace the sole authority of the Scriptures, and salvation by faith alone through grace alone, because of Christ alone.
James is also a member of "Team Apologian", contributing articles to the blog on the web site of renowned Bible scholar Dr. James R. White's Alpha and Omega Ministries , contributes Reformation articles for Christian apologist Dr. Eric Svendsen's New Testament Research Ministries' website, and has had articles published in the Reformed periodical, The Outlook . He also runs his own daily blog, Beggars All: Reformation and Apologetics , dedicated to historical and Biblical research on the Protestant Reformation.
MP3 Available Here Featuring:
Pastor Allen M. Baker III, Christ Community Presbyterian Church (PCA), West Hartford, CT
Pastor Chris Pandolfi, Calvary Baptist Church, Medford, Long Island, NY
Pastor Scott Kraniak, Centereach Bible Church, Centereach, Long Island, NYxx
MP3 Available Here
William P. Farley, Senior Pastor of Grace Christian Fellowship in Spokane, WA, will address the theme of his new book: "Gospel-Powered Parenting: How the Gospel Shapes & Transforms Parenting".
A parent’s capacity to internalize the gospel, with all its implications, has an enormous effect on their marriage, their integrity, and their love for their children. Today we Pastor Farley will seek to help parents see the importance of this principle. Internalizing the gospel helps parents fear God, sensitizes them to sin, motivates them to enter their children’s world, and causes them to preach the beauty of the gospel to their children through their marriage.
“Bill Farley’s new book on parenting is rock solid. It is so because it is so profoundly grounded upon the all-sufficiency of the Word of God and the Gospel of grace. When it comes to parenting, Farley is no neophyte; he has been in the trenches raising sinful kids by the grace of God and for the glory of God for two decades. Nor is he going to give you theoretical platitudes; he is honest about his own deficiencies and his great need of Gospel wisdom in parenting. Here is Jonathan Edward’s theology made accessible to depraved parents raising depraved kids in a depraved world. This is, ultimately, a parenting book full of hope, hope grounded in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” -- Douglas Bond, author of Fathers & Sons: Stand Fast in the Way of Truth, and Hold Fast in a Broken World.
"Gospel-Powered Parenting is a wise, enduring prescription for parenting because it is joyously biblical and comes from a pastor-theologian who has done it—as his family wonderfully attests." -- R. Kent Hughes, Sr. Pastor Emeritus, College Church in Wheaton
In addition to the book we are discussing today, Bill Farley has also written "Outrageous Mercy: Rediscover the Radical Nature of Christianity" and "For His Glory : God's Ultimate Purpose and Why it Matters to the Church".
Bill Farley also has published articles in Discipleship Journal , Enrichment Journal , and Focus on the Family Magazine .
MP3 Available Here
Allen M. Baker III, author of "Seeking A Revival Culture: Essays on Fortifying an Anemic Church", and pastor of Christ Community Presbyterian Church (PCA) in West Hartford, CT, will address the theme: "Living the Faith of Our Fathers: An Exposition of Isaiah 60: 1-3".
The Lord Jesus has fulfilled and continues to fulfill the promise of salvation to all the nations, and that they'd live this marvelous promise by faith. Today our guest will seek to demonstrate this truth by exploring what God is saying to us through Isaiah in these three verses he is addressing.
"Arise, shine; for your light has come,
And the glory of the LORD has risen upon you.
"For behold, darkness will cover the earth
And deep darkness the peoples;
But the LORD will rise upon you
And His glory will appear upon you.
"Nations will come to your light,
And kings to the brightness of your rising."
(Isaiah 60: 1-3)
What does this mean practically? Pastor Baker will guide us through the progress of the Gospel from Peter to Luther, the progress of the Gospel from Luther to Spurgeon, and the present condition in the west and southern worlds to find the answer.
What are we to do? Pastor Baker reminds us to recapture our glorious Reformation heritage.
Pastor Baker is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America denomination and has been in the ministry for 25 years. A graduate of the University of Alabama, he received his Master of Divinity degree from Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS. Prior to being called to Christ Community PCA, he was Senior Pastor of Golden Isles Presbyterian Church for 10 years; while there, he also served as Board Chairman of The Whitfield School from 1994-2002.
Pastor Baker has been actively involved in foreign missions to Central America, Africa, The British Isles, Asia and the Far East. He is a regular contributor to Come Follow, the magazine of Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship and produces a weekly e-mail devotional, Forget None of His Benefits (read now). Al and his wife, Wini, have been married over 35 years and have three grown children, Andrew, Allen and Jeff, and three grandchildren.
Tune in Sunday mornings at 7:30 for the 30-minute radio broadcast "Between Two Worlds", featuring the preaching of Pastor Baker, on WDRC-1360AM in Hartford, CT, on WMMW-1470AM in Meriden, CT or on WWCO-1240AM in Waterbury, CT (see
You can contact Pastor Baker at
MP3 Available Here
Doug Richey, pastor of Pisgah Baptist Church in Excelsior Springs, MO, will address the theme: "The Body of Christ: Practical Implications of Our Corporate Experience (Part two)".
During today's interview, Pastor Doug will address how and why our corporate identity motivates, informs, and holds accountable our . . .
· Shared identity (flock – Jn. 10:16; temple – Eph. 2:21, 22; household – Eph. 2:19; body – Eph. 1:22-23; church – Matt. 16:18, 1 Tim. 3:15; bride – Rev. 19:7, 21:9; new humanity – Eph. 4:22-24).
· Evangelistic efforts (Jn. 17:21; Phil. 1:3-5, 7, 27-30; 1 Pt. 2:9-10).
· Worship of Christ Jesus (Matt. 5:23-24; Rom. 15:5-6; 1 Pt. 2:9-10).
· Appreciation of the roles we all play in God’s work (1 Cor. 3:6-8; 12:1-31).
· Approach sin (1 Cor. 3:16; 5:6-8; 6:19; 2 Cor. 6:16).
· Understanding of liberty (Rom. 14:1-15:2; 1 Cor. 8:1-13; Gal. 2:11-21; Col. 2:16-23).
· Efforts of reconciliation within the church (Philemon 1-25).
· Sacrificial, benevolent giving (2Cor. 8:13-15; 9:12).
· Purpose in ministry (Eph. 4:7-16).
· Mutual service (1 Cor. 12:1-31; 14:26).
· Humble reception of one another in spite of differences in gifting, ethnicity, gender, socio-economic standing, etc. (Rom. 1:14-17, 2:9-11, 12:1-5; 1 Cor. 12:1-31; Eph. 2:13-22, 4:1-6; Gal. 3:26-29).
· Zealous efforts of protecting the unity of the body (Eph. 4:1-6).
· Work in spiritual warfare (Eph. 6:10-18).
· Marital relations (2 Cor. 6:14-16; Eph. 5:22-33; 1 Pt. 3:7).
Doug Richey has served as Pisgah’s Pastor-Teacher since 2005. He earned a B.S. in Finance from Central Missouri State University in ’94. Doug subsequently earned an M.Div. from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in ’00 and is currently a candidate for an M.A. in Biblical Languages. Doug also serves as a Trustee for Missouri Baptist University and is President for both the National Alumni Association for MBTS and the Pastors' Conference for the Missouri Baptist Convention.
Married in March of ’96, Doug and his wife Jennifer are the proud parents of 2 daughters, Brennan and Olivia. Fountain pens and foreign language translations of the Bible are objects of Doug’s collecting pursuits.
Doug’s primary desire in ministry is to faithfully proclaim the Word of God. Learn more about Doug and his ministry, or contact him, at:
You can listen to Part One of this interview with Doug, which aired Wednesday, October 14, by clicking here.
MP3 Available Here
Latayne C. Scott, a Mormon convert to Evangelical Christianity, author of 13 published books, Chair of the Department of Biblical Representational Research and Author in Residence at Trinity Southwest University in Albuquerque, NM and the recipient of the Distinguished Christian Service Award by Pepperdine University for "Creative Christian Writing", will address the theme: "The Mormon-Freemason Connection... Plus a review of Dan Brown's 'The Lost Symbol'".
What is the connection between Masonry as depicted in the Lost Symbol, and Mormonism?... What is the connection between Mormon doctrines and The Lost Symbol?... Did Joseph Smith have a connection with the occult?... Was Joseph Smith a Mason?... Were LDS leaders other than Joseph Smith involved in Masonry?... Did Joseph Smith have a connection with Masonry at the time of his death? Or was that just earlier in his life? What does Latayne C. Scott's novel THE LATTER DAY CIPHER show about the connection of Masonry to Mormonism?... These are just some of the questions we will address today during our interview with Latayne C. Scott.
Much of today's discussion will be drawn from "Is There No Help For The Widow's Son?: An Underground Presidential Address" by Mervin B. Hogan.

Latayne is most well known for her classic work THE MORMON MIRAGE: A Former Member Looks at the Church Today now in its Third Edition. In the first edition of The Mormon Mirage, Latayne C. Scott shared her remarkable journey out of Mormonism as she uncovered shocking inaccuracies, inconsistencies, and contradictions in the faith she had loved and lived. Thirty years later, Mormonism and Mormon scholarship have evolved with the times. In her third, revised and updated edition of her well-known book, Scott keeps pace with changes and advances in Mormonism, and reveals formidable new challenges to its claims and teachings. The Mormon Mirage provides fascinating, carefully documented insights into • DNA research’s withering implications for the Book of Mormon • the impact of new “revelations” on Latter-day Saint (LDS) race relations • new findings about Mormon history • increasing publicity about LDS splinter groups, particularly polygamous ones • recent disavowals of long-held doctrines by church leadership • the rise of Mormon apologetics on the Internet.
MP3 Available Here Featuring:Pastor Jim Capo, Massapequa Church of God, Massapequa, Long Island, NY (see )Pastor Marc Grimaldi, Grace Reformed Baptist Church of Long Island, Merrick, NY (see )Pastor Doug Totter, Grace Reformed Baptist Church of Long Island, Merrick, NY (see )Pastor Rich Jensen, Hope Reformed Baptist Church, Medford, Long Island, NY (see )
MP3 Available Here
John Otis, who just recently accepted the call to the pastorate of Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church (RPCUS) in Burlington, NC, will address the theme of his new book: "Unveiling Freemasonry's Idolatry... Plus a review of Dan Brown's 'The Lost Symbol'".This work, which grew from 350 pages to nearly 700 pages, is now finally in print , and is considered to be the most extensively researched and the most comprehensive treatment of Freemasonry by a Christian author.While Pastor Otis was a member of the Presbyterian Church in America denomination (see, he spearheaded a PCA General Assembly study committee from 1986-87 that was appointed to determine whether the tenents of Freemasonry violated Scripture. In 1987 the PCA General Assembly agreed with their findings that it was incompatible with the Christian religion.Having finished Dan Brown's book, 'The Lost Symbol', Pastor Otis believes it is noteworthy that Brown has captured the essence of Masonic ritual- the perfection of man's being, the recognition that he is divine. Masonry touts the Gnostic, neo-platonic belief that man has two natures. His divine nature and his earthly nature. The goal of Masonry is that through Masonic light, man's divine nature gains precedence over his earthly passions.During this interview Pastor Otis will seek to answer such questions as "What are the historical foundations of Freemasonry?", "Why is it a cult?", "What is the nature of the ghastly oaths required in the Lodge?", "What is the Masonic Secrecy all about?", "Were some American Presidents members of the Lodge?", "Why Jesus Christ is forbidden to be mentioned in the Lodge?", "What should church leaders do with members who are in the Lodge?"...and more! Providentially, without our foreknowledge, this interview is being aired one day prior to NBC Television's rare and exclusive interview with Dan Brown on his book (see
MP3 Available Here
Doug Richey, pastor of Pisgah Baptist Church in Excelsior Springs, MO, will address the theme: "The Body of Christ: Practical Implications of Our Corporate Experience (Part One)".
During today's interview, Pastor Doug will address how and why our corporate identity motivates, informs, and holds accountable our . . .
· Shared identity (flock – Jn. 10:16; temple – Eph. 2:21, 22; household – Eph. 2:19; body – Eph. 1:22-23; church – Matt. 16:18, 1 Tim. 3:15; bride – Rev. 19:7, 21:9; new humanity – Eph. 4:22-24).
· Evangelistic efforts (Jn. 17:21; Phil. 1:3-5, 7, 27-30; 1 Pt. 2:9-10).
· Worship of Christ Jesus (Matt. 5:23-24; Rom. 15:5-6; 1 Pt. 2:9-10).
· Appreciation of the roles we all play in God’s work (1 Cor. 3:6-8; 12:1-31).
· Approach sin (1 Cor. 3:16; 5:6-8; 6:19; 2 Cor. 6:16).
· Understanding of liberty (Rom. 14:1-15:2; 1 Cor. 8:1-13; Gal. 2:11-21; Col. 2:16-23).
· Efforts of reconciliation within the church (Philemon 1-25).
· Sacrificial, benevolent giving (2Cor. 8:13-15; 9:12).
· Purpose in ministry (Eph. 4:7-16).
· Mutual service (1 Cor. 12:1-31; 14:26).
· Humble reception of one another in spite of differences in gifting, ethnicity, gender, socio-economic standing, etc. (Rom. 1:14-17, 2:9-11, 12:1-5; 1 Cor. 12:1-31; Eph. 2:13-22, 4:1-6; Gal. 3:26-29).
· Zealous efforts of protecting the unity of the body (Eph. 4:1-6).
· Work in spiritual warfare (Eph. 6:10-18).
· Marital relations (2 Cor. 6:14-16; Eph. 5:22-33; 1 Pt. 3:7).
Doug Richey has served as Pisgah’s Pastor-Teacher since 2005. He earned a B.S. in Finance from Central Missouri State University in ’94. Doug subsequently earned an M.Div. from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in ’00 and is currently a candidate for an M.A. in Biblical Languages. Doug also serves as a Trustee for Missouri Baptist University and is President for both the National Alumni Association for MBTS and the Pastors' Conference for the Missouri Baptist Convention.
Married in March of ’96, Doug and his wife Jennifer are the proud parents of 2 daughters, Brennan and Olivia. Fountain pens and foreign language translations of the Bible are objects of Doug’s collecting pursuits.
Doug’s primary desire in ministry is to faithfully proclaim the Word of God. Learn more about Doug and his ministry, or contact him, at:
MP3 Available Here
James R. White, founder & director of Alpha & Omega Ministries , a theologically Reformed Christian apologetics ministry based in Phoenix, AZ, will address the theme: "Obama & Gommorah: Our President's pledge to Homosexual Activists to Bring the US closer to Sodom".
Today, Dr. White will air clips from Barach Obama's Saturday speech to the Human Rights Campaign, a radical group promoting super rights based upon sexual behavior, and will then provide a biblical, Christian response to each clip. Dr. White shares here the one line that, as he listened to the speech on Saturday evening, caused him to stop the recording and roll it back to make sure he heard it correctly. And though it has gotten next to no commentary (Dr. Mohler likewise saw it as the most important statement), it is without a doubt the most important part of the speech:
"You will see a time in which we as a nation finally recognize relationships between two men or two women as just as real and admirable as relationships between a man and a woman..." (Applause.) --- President Barach Obama, October 10, 2009
To which Dr. White responds:
"The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men." (Psalm 12:8, God)xxx
MP3 Available Here Featuring: Pastor David Anglin, St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Amityville, Long Island, NY
Pastor Chris Hatton, Grace Chapel, Sanford, FL
Pastor Rich Jensen, Hope Reformed Baptist Church, Medford, Long Island, NY
Pastor Scott Kraniak, Centereach Bible Church, Centereach, Long Island, NY
MP3 Available Here
Stephen Smallman, founder of Birthline Ministries and instructor and curriculum developer for the leadership training program of CityNet , will address the theme of his latest book, "The Walk: Steps for New and Renewed Followers of Jesus".
The Walk is a book written to those who have expressed a desire to follow Christ as his disciple. It assumes no prior understanding of what that means, nor does it assume that the person has actually come to a point of professing faith. It uses as a starting point someone who is simply wondering, “what next?”. Stephen also addresses those who have grown up “Christian” and may be wondering how to step out in their own faith.
"In this book, Steve Smallman has drawn on a lifetime of pastoral ministry to provide the church with a gem of a book which, while aimed specifically at the unbeliever and the new Christian, will yet benefit even those older in the faith who take time to read it and be reminded of, and refreshed by, the great, simple truths of the life-changing gospel." -- Carl R. Trueman, Westminster Theological Seminary
Rev. Stephen Smallman has worked in pastoral ministry since 1966. He grew up in a non-religious (nominally Protestant) family and came to trust in Christ as a teenager through the ministry of an independent Bible Church. He attended Bob Jones University, graduating with a B.A. (1962) and M.A. (1964). At Bob Jones he met and married his wife, Sandy. In 1965 he joined a Presbyterian church that is now part of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). He attended Covenant Theological Seminary, graduating with an M.Div. in 1967. While at Covenant, Steve began his pastoral ministry, a ministry that has placed him in several different settings:
He was a student pastor in a rural setting in Illinois while he completed seminary.
He served as Pastor of McLean Presbyterian Church, in a suburb of Washington DC, from 1967-1996. During his 30 years there the congregation grew from 60 to 1200 members and helped to start 6 other congregations. The church was heavily involved in urban and foreign missions and at the end of his time was contributing $500,000 annually to benevolences.
One of the highlights of his time in McLean was the opportunity to serve with Prison Fellowship in the early years of that ministry. That marked the beginning of his using the birthline as a tool to explain the new birth. He was Executive Director of World Harvest Mission in Jenkintown, PA from 1997-2001. This is a mission that emphasizes spiritual renewal as well as international gospel outreach.
He returned to the pastorate and served in an urban setting as Pastor of New Life Northeast in Philadelphia from 2001-2005.
He currently serves with CityNet Ministries of Philadelphia, a dynamic ministry of church planting, pastoral training and mercy ministry. His particular role with CityNet is instructor and curriculum developer with for their leadership training program.
He is a visiting adjunct faculty member for Covenant and Westminster seminaries and is a Senior Consultant for Churches Vitalized.
Steve and Sandy have raised four children, all now married, who have given them ten grandchildren. They live in Dresher, a suburb of Philadelphia. Sandy has extensive experience as a women’s Bible teacher and retreat speaker. She is also a mentor to pastor’s wives and younger women.
Other books by Steve include "How Our Children Come to Faith", "Forty Days on the Mountain", "Spiritual Birthline", "What is True Conversion?", "Understanding the Faith" and "What is a Reformed Church?" (see this link).
Steve welcomes your comments and suggestions. Contact him at Both Sandy ( and Steve are open to speak for conferences, retreats, etc. on a limited basis.
MP3 Available Here
Steve Camp, well known Christian recording artist, writer of a Grammy Award-winning song, theologically Reformed Christian apologist and founder of audienceONE Ministries will address the theme: "The Missional Church".
Today Steve will cover these 15 points on the theme of the Missional Church:
1. The Missional Church is not about developing programs, events, classes, etc. for the purpose of attracting nonbelievers to come to church. It is about the "equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry" so that they will go in the confidence of the gospel and the Lord Jesus Christ to the people in their community that the Lord has sovereignly placed them in.
2. The Missional Church is not about corporate strategery, but remaining organic within culture operating from a distinctive biblical worldview as salt and light.
3. The Missional Church is about respecting and understanding nonbelievers "in their unbelief"; and how they function within their homes, work places, and communities. It is also really listening to their views on the hypocrisy of the church, suffering, the problem with evil in the world, and faith experiences from their past.
4. The Missional Church is committed to biblical fidelity and cultural viability. It's the philosophical conviction that for genuine ministry to flourish, one must lead with theology/doctrine and not with pragmatics.
5. The MIssional Church desires to fulfill the Great Commission AND the Two Great Commandments as an act of daily worship in culture, in church, in family.
6. The Missional Church is about remaining true to what the Scripture calls us to do as a church as a sign of our faithfulness to Jesus Christ: proclaiming the gospel; preaching the Word; presenting every man mature in Christ; making disciples; calling people to repentance in Christ; worshipping God; caring for the needs of others; loving our neighbor; etc. And then developing passageways for them to be engaged in service to God and others by using their gifts for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.
7. The Missional Church is dedicated to preach repentance and not a feel-good tolerance of values.
8. The Missional Church is counter-cultural, but not culturally absent. In the world; not of the world.
9. The MIssional Church is the city of God within the city of Man.
10. The MIssional Church is wholly monergistic, not synergistic; complimentarian, not egalitarian.
11. The Missional Church is dedicated to the propagation of the gospel of Jesus lived vs. the gospel of capitalism. the gospel of self-esteem, the gospel of seeker-sensitivity, or the gospel of political-works-righteousness lauded.
12. The Missional Church is modeling the Pauline mandate to "become all things to all men" without compromising life, witness, doctrine, or gospel.
13. The MIssional Church teaches that all saints are to use their Spirit given giftedness as stewards of the manifold grace of God, for the advancement of His Kingdom, in the power of the Holy Spirit, by His Word, for the service of others, culminating in the praise and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.
14. The MIssional Church embraces the dignity of all men as created in the image of God by caring for the poor, the widow, the orphan, and all hurting, sick and disadvantaged under this banner: His holiness not compromised; yet His mercy not restrained.
15. The Missional Church is resolved to living daily in presence of the glory of God in all things.
MP3 Available Here
Latayne C. Scott, a Mormon convert to Evangelical Christianity, author of 13 published books, Chair of the Department of Biblical Representational Research and Author in Residence at Trinity Southwest University in Albuquerque, NM and the recipient of the Distinguished Christian Service Award by Pepperdine University for "Creative Christian Writing", will address the theme: "The Mormon-Freemason Connection... Plus a review of Dan Brown's 'The Lost Symbol'".
What is the connection between Masonry as depicted in the Lost Symbol, and Mormonism?... What is the connection between Mormon doctrines and The Lost Symbol?... Did Joseph Smith have a connection with the occult?... Was Joseph Smith a Mason?... Were LDS leaders other than Joseph Smith involved in Masonry?... Did Joseph Smith have a connection with Masonry at the time of his death? Or was that just earlier in his life? What does Latayne C. Scott's novel THE LATTER DAY CIPHER show about the connection of Masonry to Mormonism?... These are just some of the questions we will address today during our interview with Latayne C. Scott.
Much of today's discussion will be drawn from "Is There No Help For The Widow's Son?: An Underground Presidential Address" by Mervin B. Hogan.

Latayne is most well known for her classic work THE MORMON MIRAGE: A Former Member Looks at the Church Today now in its Third Edition. In the first edition of The Mormon Mirage, Latayne C. Scott shared her remarkable journey out of Mormonism as she uncovered shocking inaccuracies, inconsistencies, and contradictions in the faith she had loved and lived. Thirty years later, Mormonism and Mormon scholarship have evolved with the times. In her third, revised and updated edition of her well-known book, Scott keeps pace with changes and advances in Mormonism, and reveals formidable new challenges to its claims and teachings. The Mormon Mirage provides fascinating, carefully documented insights into • DNA research’s withering implications for the Book of Mormon • the impact of new “revelations” on Latter-day Saint (LDS) race relations • new findings about Mormon history • increasing publicity about LDS splinter groups, particularly polygamous ones • recent disavowals of long-held doctrines by church leadership • the rise of Mormon apologetics on the Internet.
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Irene Spencer, who was born into a 4th generation Mormon Fundamentalist family, married at 16 years of age to her brother-in-law, shared her husband with 9 other wives and mothered 14 of her husband's 58 children will address her latest riveting, shocking and true book: "Cult Insanity: A Memoir of Polygamy, Prophets & Blood Atonement".
Life for Irene Spencer was a series of devastating disappointments and hardships. Irene's first book, Shattered Dreams: My Life as a Polygamist's Wife, which made the New York Times Best Seller List, is the staggering chronicle of her struggle to provide for her children in abject poverty and feelings of abandonment each time her husband left to be with one of his other wives. Irene was raised to believe polygamy was the way of life necessary for her ticket to heaven. The hard knocks of her environment were just the beginning of Irene's shocking tale.
CULT INSANITY takes readers into her story to uncover the outrageous behavior of her brother-in-law Ervil - a self-proclaimed prophet who determined he was called to set the house of God in order - and how he terrorized their colony. Claiming to be God's avenger and to have a license to kill in the name of God, Ervil ordered the murders of friends and family members, eliminating all those who challenged his authority. CULT INSANITY is a riveting, terrifying memoir of polygamist life under the tyranny of a madman.
Today Irene is a born again believer in Jesus Christ. 12 of the 14 children she gave birth to are still living today. Her first baby, Leah, died at birth. Daughter Sandra died in 2000 of breast cancer. She currently has 119 grandchildren and 37 great-grandchildren, with more of both expected. There are approximately 40,000 to 60,000 practicing polygamists today in the United States, Canada and Mexico.
You can hear a previous "Iron Sharpens Iron" interview with Irene on her first book "Shattered Dreams" by clicking here.
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David Wood, Evangelical Christian apologist to the Muslims, will address the theme: "Islamic Threats in the News Today: A Current Events Update on Muslim Terrorist Activity in the US". David has become fondly known as "Iron Sharpens Iron's Resident Apologist to the Muslims". David is a Teaching Fellow in Philosophy at Fordham University . A former atheist, David converted to Christianity based on the historical evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus. David now debates both atheists and Muslims and is co-director of Acts 17 Apologetics Ministries, an organization he founded with Nabeel Qureshi, a convert from Islam to Christianity. David also contributes to, which he considers to be the very best resource available anywhere, bar none, to discover and learn the true history and teachings of Islam. He personally operates the blog site's ministry comes very highly recommended by frequent "Iron Sharpens Iron" guest, renowned Christian apologist and biblical scholar Dr. James R. White of Alpha & Omega Ministries. You can listen to other interviews with David Wood on "Iron Sharpens Iron" on free downloadable MP3 format by clicking here.
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"As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend"- Proverbs 27:17