Tuesday, July 22, 2008


MP3 Available Here

KAREN PRESSLEY, a convert from the Church of Scientology to Biblical Christianity and Founder of Wings of Love Ministries will give her personal testimony: "ESCAPING SCIENTOLOGY: AN INSIDER’S TRUE STORY."

Prior to her 16-year involvement with the Church of Scientology, Karen worked as a Hollywood fashion designer, as well as a music publisher with her (then) husband Peter Schless. Their work included hit songs like “On the Wings of Love.” Their careers took a turn (early 1980’s) when they fell prey to the deception of Scientology.

After 16 years in Scientology, God’s grace removed the veil of deception from Karen’s eyes. After two prior unsuccessful attempts to escape (1990 and 1993), her third attempt in 1998 led to final disentanglement from the group, but resulted in ex-communication from her friends and divorce from her husband of 20 years. Grace also enabled her escape and miraculous freedom from the cult’s entrapment—including her eventual discovery of the power of prayer and faith in Christ.

Since Karen began her “new life” in 1998, she has traveled from coast to coast sharing the amazing story of her experiences within the Church of Scientology (1982-1998), her three escapes (final in 1998), and the challenges of rebuilding a new life after losing everything she had. Hers is a story of courage, hope, and building character through trials and perseverance.

Reunited with her family in Atlanta, she has a new life: new career, resumed her college education, new marriage, and counts her losses as gain through her new found faith in God.
With a passion to communicate and with boldness to share this story, she has been invited to speak around the country. Her story has touched the hearts of thousands at women’s conferences, church and ministry events, youth groups, colleges and universities.

Pieces of Karen’s personal story as an ex-Scientologist who escaped and and found faith in Jesus Christ have aired on NBC Dateline, CNN (Paula Zahn segment), “Secrets d’Actualite” on M6 Network in Paris, and local Atlanta shows, as well as local and national radio shows. She’s been interviewed by the Los Angeles Times, St. Petersburg Times, Atlanta’s Sunday Paper, and many Christian publications including Baptist Press News, The Christian Index, Missions Mosaic, On Mission Magazine, LifeWay’s Open Windows and more.

Karen plans to release her personal story about her Scientology experiencs in the book, ESCAPING SCIENTOLOGY: AN INSIDER’S TRUE STORY. Until the book is out, abridged versions of her story are available on CD on the products page of her web site. They willl also be available on Amazon.com soon!

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