Thursday, March 4, 2010

Scott Lively: "A Christian Response to the Gay Agenda" (Part One)

MP3 Available Here

Scott Lively, Evangelical Christian pastor, founder of Abiding Truth Ministries and Defend the Family International and coauthor of The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party , will address the theme: "A Christian Response to the Gay Agenda".

Tonight's theme is the subtitle to Scott's new book: "
Redeeming the Rainbow", a comprehensive but easy-to-understand textbook for Christians and other defenders of God’s design for family and society which explains in detail:

1) the nature, causes and characteristics of homosexual dysfunction and militancy;

2) the history, philosophy, goals, methods and strategies of the global “gay” movement;

3) the urgent, escalating and imminent danger this movement represents to all aspects of Christian civilization throughout the world;

4) specific, practical principles for responding to each of the many areas of “gay” aggression -- all firmly grounded in and supported by both Scripture and non-religious logical analysis, documentation and terminology.

As Dr. Lively describes it:

"On June 17th of 2009 I published what I expect to be my final book on the homosexual issue. 'Redeeming the Rainbow: A Christian Response to the Gay Agenda' is the product of 20 years of service as a front-lines opponent of the homosexual movement and encompasses all that I have learned through this long tour of duty. Although a print version of the book is now available for purchase in our bookstore, the electronic version in PDF format is free for download (by clicking on the image of the book's cover on our home page: and may be freely distributed without charge or restriction, except that you may not alter the book or offer it for sale. I encourage you to make the fullest use of this, my gift to the international pro-family movement."

Robert Knight, Senior Writer/Correspondent for Coral Ridge Ministries said that this book "is a remarkably intelligent, easy to read primer on all aspects of homosexuality and should be required reading on campuses and by pastors, seminarians and anyone curious about why this phenomenon has advanced so rapidly in our culture. Dr. Lively is one of those rare writers who anticipates the next question so well that the reader would have to strain to come up with one not addressed in this formidable book. Finally, he offers individuals and their families hope for change and a blueprint for the restoration of the natural family and a healthy culture."

You can hear a previous "Iron Sharpens Iron" interview with Dr. Lively on his classic work The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party
by clicking here .

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