In addition to serving in the pastorate, Derek has served as editor of the Evangelical Presbyterian, a monthly denominational magazine. A 1978 graduate of RTS, he gained a Ph.D. from the University of Wales, Lampeter, in Calvin’s preaching on the book of Job. He has written numerous books, including The Storm Breaks: Job Simply Explained, Wisdom: the Key to Living God’s Way, and God Strengthens: Ezekiel Simply Explained, Making the Most of Your Devotional Life based on the Ascent Psalms, and Praying the Savior’s Way, based on the Lord’s Prayer. Recently he published Let’s Study Revelation (Banner of Truth), Let’s Study Galatians (Banner of Truth), and Calvin’s Teaching on Job: Proclaiming the Incomprehensible God (Christian Focus). He also co-edited, Give Praise To God: A Vision for Reforming Worship (P & R).
Today Dr. Thomas will explore such serious questions as:
1.) How serious does an error in one's teaching regarding his faith have to be before it can be rightly labeled a "heresy"?
2.) Are all heresies damnable?
3.) Can a true brother in Christ or a true Church hold to heretical teaching?
4.) When is heresy so dangerous that a Christian must refuse fellowship from a person holding to that heresy?
5.) Is Arminian theology heretical?
6.) Why does the Apostle Paul refer to those in the churches of Galatia who embraced a false gospel "brethren", and yet pronounce an anathema upon those who *teach* another gospel?... and more...
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