Catholics and many Evangelicals alike have great disdain for the doctrine of the Atonement embraced by "Reformed", "Calvinist" or "Sovereign Grace believing" Christians known as "Limited Atonement" (also known as "Definite Atonement" and "Particular Redemption"). But a question remains for all who claim to be grateful for the Atonement provided by the shedding of Jesus Christ's blood: "Was the number of those whom Christ intended to Redeem limited, or was His Redemptive power limited?" Only a consistent Universalist who believes hell will forever remain empty and all will be welcomed into Heaven could possibly answer that question "Neither!"
Today Steve Camp, knowing all biblically orthodox Christians (contrary to Universalists) believe that many will be damned for all eternity, will seek to demonstrate that since the *power* of the Atonement was infinite, all for whom Christ died *will* be saved. This Atoning power was so *limitless* and *perfect* that sinners can do nothing to add to it in order to bring to fruition what Christ has already accomplished. Not even our belief perfects Christ's already perfect work. Logically, since countless millions will be damned, those in that number of souls in hell must never have been intended to be beneficiaries of the redemption that Christ accomplished at His Crucifixion.
During this broadcast we will also be promoting next week's 5-DAY RADIO DEBATE, Monday, March 3rd - Friday, March 7th, between DR. LARRY CARRINO of The Omega Institute and DR. F. LaGARD SMITH, author of Troubling Questions For Calvinists on "The Doctrines of Sovereign Grace: Biblical Truths or Dangerous Fallacies"
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