PASTOR JOHN M. OTIS of Westminster Presbyterian Church (RPCUS) in Corpus Christi, Texas, will address the theme of his book, Glorifying God With Your Wealth.
Should Christians be wealthy, or is it more godly to be poor? What does the Bible really say about wealth? In Glorifying God With Your Wealth, pastor John M. Otis sets forth eleven biblical principles that should regulate a Christian’s view of wealth. Foremost, God is the source of all wealth accumulation. The Christian is simply a steward of God’s wealth that is given to the believer for his enjoyment and for the believer’s ministry to the needy of society and for the extension of God’s kingdom in this world.
The Bible does teach that wisdom is greater than riches, but it also teaches that wisdom combined with riches is even more powerful. Together they can change the world. Are there dangers associated with wealth? Absolutely. In this helpful book, pastor Otis enables us to navigate through those dangerous areas, leading us to a more productive Christian life.
I Timothy 6:17-19 contains a special exhortation to the rich of this world. They can use their material wealth through their generosity to lay up lasting treasures in Heaven.
This book isolates the eleven Biblical principles of wealth accumulation, found in "The Bible, Wealth, and Network Marketing."
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