Monday, December 31, 2007


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STEVE CAMP, Grammy Award winning song writer, Christian recording artist, theologically Reformed apologist, controversial Christian blogger and founder of audienceONE Ministries will address "2007: THE YEAR IN REVIEW."

Steve will address what he believes are some of the highest points and lowest points worthy of noting during 2007 within Evangelical Christianity.

Friday, December 28, 2007

JENNIFER E. PLOEGMAN: "A HIGHER TRUST (A Christian Novel For Teenagers)"

MP3 Available Here

JENNIFER E. PLOEGMAN, Christian author and daughter of Pastor Meint Ploegman of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church of Bohemia, Long Island, NY, will address her Christian novel for teenagers: A HIGHER TRUST (available for purchase here ).

Jennifer was born and raised on Long Island, New York. After serving five years in the U.S. Air Force she relocated to Denver, Colorado where she currently works as a defense contractor. She continues writing in her spare time. Her father, Pastor Meint Ploegman, is cohost of this broadcast.

Thursday, December 27, 2007


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PHIL JOHNSON, president of "Grace To You," the radio & tape ministry of world-renowned radio Bible teacher, author & pastor, DR. JOHN MACARTHUR, will address the theme "BRINGING THE GOSPEL TO A HOSTILE CULTURE".

The story of the Apostle Paul’s sermon on Mars Hill is one of the classic examples Paul’s evangelistic strategy, and it’s a model of how to confront false religion and philosophical skepticism. It's also one of the most-abused sections in all of Scripture.Today all the stress in evangelism is on style and methodology rather than truth and clarity. The conventional wisdom of this generation says we need to “contextualize” the gospel by finding common ground with our culture. We’re told we need to adapt our message as much as possible to the beliefs and preferences of our culture’s dominant philosophies, and win people chiefly by appealing to whatever they already believe and whatever already captures their interest.

In reality (and in contrast), the Apostle Paul was bold and plain-spoken. He was counter-cultural, confrontive, confident, and (by Athenian standards, much less today's standards) closed-minded. He offended a significant number of Athens's intellectual elite, and he walked away from that encounter without winning the admiration of society at large, but with just a small group of converts who followed him.

Phil also maintains "The Spurgeon Archive", the largest collection of Charles Haddon Spurgeon resources on the world wide web.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


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PASTOR JIM CAPO of the Massapequa Church of God, Massapequa, Long Island, NY (filling in for PHIL JOHNSON, president of "Grace To You" who was previously scheduled to be our guest) will address the theme "THE FEMINIZATION OF EVANGELICALISM".

Today, Pastor Capo will seek to demonstrate how feminists seeking equal authority between men and women in the church and in the home took advantage of the fact that Evangelical Christianity has become numerically dominated by women, and have largely succeeded in feminizing Evangelicalism, even in many denominations and fellowships which are typically identified as "conservative" and "Bible based". Pastor Capo will also address his own personal opposition to the very denomination in which he is ordained, Church of God, Cleveland, TN, over the matter of the ordination of women into the pastorate.

Monday, December 24, 2007


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ARMY SPECIALIST BRIAN OTIS & PASTOR JOHN M. OTIS will address the theme of their new book DELIVERED BY ANGELS: GOD's Providence For An American Soldier in Iraq . The book chronicles Brian's year long deployment to Iraq, May 2005-May 2006, during which he truly walked through the valley of the shadow of death on numerous occasions. From a human perspective, Brian should have died several times, but God's mercy and grace were wonderfully displayed towards him. This book demonstrates the personal struggles and challenges that Brian faced as a Christian soldier, dealing with the loss of friends, the prospects of his own death, and the pain of having to kill the enemy. Rarely does the public have the opportunity to look into the soul of a Christian soldier during combat.

The book also chronicles life on the home front for Brian's parents as they had to deal with a son in a dangerous war zone. Brian's father, John M. Otis, is a Presbyterian minister (RPCUS) in Corpus Christi, Texas . Numerous times John would send lengthy emails, seeking to encourage his son from God's Word to remain faithful as a Christian witness and to trust in his God to see him through the challenges. Delivered By Angels: God's Providence For An American Soldier in Iraq is must reading for those who want to be inspired with the great truth that God loves His children and will do amazing things on their behalf.

Friday, December 21, 2007


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This week featuring:

PASTOR John M. OTIS of Westminster Presbyterian Church (RPCUS) in Corpus Christi, Texas

PASTOR CHRIS PANDOLFI of Calvary Baptist Church in Medford, Long Island, NY

PASTOR MEINT PLOEGMAN of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Bohemia, Long Island, NY

PASTOR THOMAS SUTTER of the First Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) in Babylon, Long Island, NY

Thursday, December 20, 2007


MP3 Available Here

JOHN CROTTS, pastor of Faith Bible Church in Sharpsburg, Georgia will address the theme of his book TYING THE KNOT TIGHTER: BECAUSE MARRIAGE LASTS A LIFETIME, which he coauthored with popular Christian author Martha Peace, also a member of Faith Bible Church (see more about this book, here).

Just as the best coaches remind their players to master the basics of their sport, Christian couples need to be regularly reminded of the basics of a Christian marriage. This book sets out to provide such reminders. The authors have broken down nineteen areas of marriage by briefly summarizing the Bible’s teaching and offering a series of penetrating questions to help readers take inventory of themselves and their marriage. Each section ends with two recommended resources to dig deeper.

Pastor Crotts is also author of Craftsmen: Skillfully Leading Your Family For Christ and Mighty Men: The Starter's Guide to Leading Your Family .

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


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DR. JAMES R. WHITE, founder & director of Alpha & Omega Ministries , a theologically Reformed Christian apologetics ministry based in Phoenix, AZ, will present A REBUTTAL TO THE MORMON REPLY TO FOX NEWS.

Dr. White is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics. He has authored or contributed to more than twenty books, including The King James Only Controversy, The Forgotten Trinity, The Potter's Freedom, and The God Who Justifies. He is an accomplished debater, having engaged in more than sixty moderated, public debates with leading proponents of Roman Catholicism, Liberal Protestantism, Islam, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Mormonism. He is also an elder of the Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church .

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


MP3 Available Here

TODD WILSON, co-editor of PREACH THE WORD: Essays on Expository Preaching (In Honor of R. Kent Hughes), a book which includes chapters by such extraordinary expositors and exegetes as John MacArthur, D.A. Carson, Wayne Grudem and others. Our guest Todd Wilson is associate pastor of adult training and ministries at College Church in Wheaton, Illinois , and an adjunct instructor in biblical studies at Wheaton College . He has authored two books and several scholarly articles. This volume celebrates veteran pastor Kent Hughes's legacy of preaching God's Word by examining what it means to be an expository preacher.

Dr. Hughes, the man of God for whom the book being discussed during this broadcast is dedicated, has had thirty-five years of ministry divided evenly into ten years as a youth pastor, five years as a church planter, and twenty years as senior pastor of College Church in Wheaton, IL. He is the author of more than twenty-five books, among which are Disciplines of a Godly Man and Liberating Ministry From the Success Syndrome. He is in the midst of a life-long project of completing the Preaching the Word commentary series of the entire New Testament, and is the editor of the Old Testament for the same series. College Church is noted for its world-wide missions outreach, because half of its total budget goes to world missions.

Monday, December 17, 2007

ROB ZINS: "ON THE EDGE OF APOSTASY: The Evangelical Romance With Rome"

MP3 Available Here

ROB ZINS, founder & director of the apologetics ministry A Christian Witness to Roman Catholics (CWRC), will address the theme of his very controversial book ON THE EDGE OF APOSTASY: The Evangelical Romance With Rome .

CWRC is dedicated to a Christian witness to those involved in the Roman Catholic religion while maintaining a firm witness to the errors of Rome. To this end, CWRC has written, debated, and produced theological information designed to help Christians witness to Catholics and better understand the intricacies of Romish theology.

Friday, December 14, 2007


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This week featuring:

PASTOR DON HOAGLANDER, West Sayville Reformed Bible Church, West Sayville, Long Island, NY

THE REV. JACOB SMITH, Calvary-Saint George's Parish (Episcopal), New York, NY

PASTOR CLAUDE STAUFFER, Calvary Chapel of Hope, North Amityville, NY

Thursday, December 13, 2007

PASTOR JIM HARRISON: "The Centrality Of Preaching In The Life And Ministry Of The Local Church"

MP3 Available Here

PASTOR JIM HARRISON pastor of Red Mills Baptist Church, Mahopac Falls, NY, and Chairman of the CB Spurgeon Fellowship will address the topic, "The Centrality Of Preaching In The Life And Ministry Of The Local Church."

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


MP3 Available Here

STEVE CAMP, Grammy Award winning song writer, Christian recording artist, theologically Reformed apologist, controversial Christian blogger and founder of audienceONE Ministries will address "RECLAIMING REVERENCE TOWARD GOD."

Steve's primary focus during this interview is to explain how "The Emerging Church", "The Emergent Church", "The Seeker-Sensitive Movement" and modern Evangelicalism in general have lost a reverence toward a Holy God in their preaching, evangelism and worship, and how we must reclaim it.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


MP3 Available Here

DR. BARRY HORNER, one of the foremost living experts on the life, ministry and written works of the 17th century hero of the Christian Faith, John Bunyan, and founder of Bunyan Ministries, will address "THE 21st CENTURY RELEVANCE OF PILGRIM'S PROGRESS".

Bunyan Ministries focuses on the influential writings of John Bunyan through a variety of means that have been initiated by Dr. Barry E. Horner. For many years, his seminars and published writings have illumined the biblical truth that the Bedford tinker has so attractively represented. Here details of this evangelical ministry are now available, including The Works of John Bunyan in a format similar to that of the three volume edition edited by George Offor and now published by The Banner of Truth Trust .

Dr. Horner's purpose is the communication of gospel truth, and not merely academic concerns that have captured the attention of many at a scholarly level. Dr. Horner is also pastor of Christ's New Covenant Church, Tucson, Arizona, where he maintains a comprehensive expository preaching ministry of the Word of God.

Monday, December 10, 2007


MP3 Available Here

CRAIG BRANCH, the Director of the Apologetics Resource Center in Birmingham, Alabama will provide "An Evangelical Christian response to MITT ROMNEY's 'FAITH IN AMERICA ADDRESS'," which Mr. Romney delivered at the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas, on Thursday, December 6th (listen to Mr. Romney's address here).

Mr. Branch will address such questions as "Did Mr. Romney's overtly ecumenical speech disguise the unique claims of Mormonism which have specific relevance to the governing policies of an elected President?", "Should a Bible believing Christian ever vote for a Mormon political candidate?", "Why are so many leading Evangelical leaders aggressively supporting Mitt Romney's candidacy?", "Is Mitt Romney's statement: 'A person should not be elected because of his faith, nor should he be rejected because of his faith' true?", "Is Mr. Romney's political record in harmony with his current 'conservative' policies?"... and more.

Friday, December 7, 2007


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This week featuring:

PASTOR BRUCE BENNETT of Grace Gospel Church, Patchogue, Long Island, NY

PASTOR MARK DIEDRICH of Westsminster Presbyterian Church in Rocktavern, NY, & Kingston, NY

PASTOR LINCOLN JAILAL of Ambassadors for Christ Ministries in New York City, NY

Thursday, December 6, 2007


MP3 Available Here

ROY KIRTON, pastor of Circle of Love Ministry in Copiague, Long Island, NY, and founder of the invaluable ministry "Safe Harbor Mentoring Program," born out of a vision given to Pastor Kirton who began volunteering as a Para-chaplain in 1994, will address the theme: "THE CHRISTIAN OBLIGATION TO PRISON INMATES (Matthew 25:43)".

While teaching a life skills class on a weekly basis in the Nassau County Correctional Facility, Pastor Kirton began to connect with the men that attended in a positive way. The men remained in contact with Pastor Kirton when they went to State facilities. Upon their return home, Pastor Kirton and the members of Circle of Love Ministry worked with these men as they made the transition back to society. Out of this outreach, Safe Harbor was born. The Safe Harbor Mentoring Program derives its name from the hamlet of its origin. The ministry's hometown on Long Island, "Copiague", has as its name a Native American word meaning “safe harbor” .

The program is designed to assist people with a criminal/troubled past, who are being released from prison and need to focus on living socially acceptable and productive lives--some of them for the first time. According to Pastor Kirton, "The cost to families, the judicial system, taxpayers and countless victims has to be reversed...Our culture has to be prepared to turn a blight into a self-sufficient resource..."

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


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MARTY FROMM, ministry leader of Beth Yeshua on Long Island, NY, a fellowship of Jews and Gentiles who together worship the one true Messiah, Jesus Christ, will address the theme: "CHANNUKAH: AN OPPORTUNITY FOR EVANGELISM".

Marty is also the author of FOR UNTO US A SON IS GIVEN: A Closer Look at the Biblical Foundation for the Messiaship of Jesus and A JOURNEY INTO FAITH: The Schlepp from Moses to Jesus.
Marty was raised in a Jewish home in a very anti-Semitic neighborhood in the Bronx, NY, where as a child he was regularly mocked and beaten for being a Jew. Growing up to hate the name of Jesus Christ even in adulthood because of the false perception he had of what "Christianity" was and who "Christians" were, Marty eventually came to fall in love with the One he once hated after joining his wife at a weekly Bible study led by a Jewish believer in Christ, and embraced Him as his Messiah.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


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DR. JOE MORECRAFT, pastor of Chalcedon Presbyterian Church in Cumming, Georgia, will address the theme of his book: WITH LIBERTY & JUSTICE FOR ALL: Christian Politics Made Simple.

Joe is a preacher of the gospel and a noted lecturer on contemporary political and historical trends in the United States. He is also the author of How God Wants Us to Worship Him: a Defense of the Bible as the Only Standard for Modern Worship, and has published hundreds of articles and is currently the Executive Editor of "The Counsel of Chalcedon," a reformed magazine, and "The New Southern Presbyterian Review,"a reformed theological journal. Joe holds a B.A. in history from King College in Bristol, Tennessee, a M.Div from Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia, and a M.Th. and Th.D. from Whitefield Theological Seminary in Lakeland, Florida.

Joe conducts seminars and conferences around the nation. He has also addressed civic, medical, military, political, religious, and educational groups around the world, in such places as Scotland, England, Germany, El Salvador, South Africa, Cypress, Ukraine, Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, and Ecuador. He speaks on a variety of theological, historical, and social issues.

In addition to the two books already listed, Joe has also published a book in South Africa, Liberation Theology: Prelude to Revolution, and has authored numerous articles on national defense, international relations, constitutionalism, and various economic and social issues. He has also contributed a chapter in D. James Kennedy's A Nation in Shame; a chapter in A Comprehensive Faith: An International Festschrift for R.J. Rushdoony, and a chapter in The Theology of Christian Resistance.

Joe was a speaker at the recent Jamestown Quadricentennial celebration organized by Vision Forum and was honored to deliver the commemorative address at the laying of the Jamestown Children's Monument.

Monday, December 3, 2007


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BOB UNGER, ESQ., a Jewish political activist, author & former conservative talk radio host, & ROB MUCHNICK, the U.S. Director of Manhigut Yehudit will address "ARE DISPENSATIONALIST EVANGELICALS NAIVELY SUPPORTING ISRAELI GOVERNMENT ABUSE OF JEWISH CIVIL RIGHTS?"

Should God's proclamation in Genesis 12:2-3 compel Christians to always bless, or support, the Israeli government? Are the the terms "Palestinian" and "Jewish", in reality, historically synonymous? Has there ever, historically, existed an ethnic group identified as "Palestinian" (until the latter half of the 20th century) that did not intend to signify the Jews? Is the Israeli government currently denying Jews of their human and civil rights? These are just some of the questions addressed during this conversation with two Jewish Zionists and political activists who believe many "Pro-Israel" Evangelical Christians, with good intentions, have been mislead into supporting institutions that are significantly harming the Jewish people.
Iron Sharpens Iron 30 Day Archive

"As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend"- Proverbs 27:17