Friday, August 31, 2007
THE PASTORS' ROUNDTABLE, this week featuring:
(List of pastors to be announced)
CALL IN WITH *ANY* QUESTION regarding the Christian Faith.
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
MP3 Available Here
JAMES R. WHITE, noted author, Bible scholar, debater, conference speaker and founder & director of Alpha & Omega Ministries, a theologically Reformed Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona, will address "TEN QUESTIONS FOR A POTENTIAL CONVERT TO ROMAN CATHOLICISM". Dr. White has often pointed to the highly emotional nature of the vast majority of conversionstories to Rome, and has discussed the fact that conversions, per se, do not surprise him in the least. The less biblically sound and grounded post-evangelicalism becomes, the more common such movement in the various religions of men will be. Dr. White asks, among other questions, of the potential convert, "Have you listened to both sides? That is, have you done more than read Rome Sweet Home and listen to a few emotion-tugging conversion stories? Have you actually taken the time to find sound, serious responses to Rome's claims, those offered by writers ever since the Reformation, such as Goode, Whitaker, Salmon, and modern writers?..." Hear more of what Dr. White has to ask, and say, during this extremely controversial broadcast!
All Comments Can Be Made Directly To 1-877-753-3341
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Joe LoSardo: SKEPTICS OUT OF THE CLOSET: The Rise in Popularity of Atheist Ideology
JOE LoSARDO, pastor of Bread of Life Fellowship in Totowa, New Jersey, a theologically Reformed and baptistic Christian congregation, will address "SKEPTICS OUT OF THE CLOSET: The Rise in Popularity of Atheist Ideology". Pastor LoSardo also possesses a PhD in the Molecular Biology of Cancer from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, New York, and left his career in science in order to answer his call to the Gospel ministry.
Monday, August 27, 2007
STEVE CAMP: THE BLOGGING WARS: Cutting Through Smoke Screens & Discovering the Heart of True Christian Polemics
(Note: there is a slight audio gap as Steve begins to discuss Mother Theresa)
ISI August 27-31
STEVE CAMP, award winning Christian recording artist & composer, theologically Reformed apologist, controversial Christian blogger & founder of audienceONE Ministries (see, will address "THE BLOGGING WARS: Cutting Through Smoke Screens & Discovering the Heart of True Christian Polemics ". Many *opponents* of historic, Reformational, Protestant Christianity frequently ignore the actual substance of argumentation presented by Evangelical apologists and prefer rather to focus their "attack" upon the perceived *personality* of the specific apologist opposing their views. Some of today's most gifted, knowledgeable and articulate Reformed apologists are often slandered as being "Ignorant, hateful bigots & liars", in an obvious effort to create a "smoke screen" so that others will simply ignore the facts being presented by the apologist, and write him off as one who is an untrustworthy source of factual information, possessed by evil motives. Ironically, these same opponents of the Gospel of the Reformation are often just as aggressive as as those whom they label as "hateful bigots" are in their attacks against what they perceive to be false theology, and yet they strangely believe themselves to be immune to the charges of hate & bigotry. Today Steve Camp will attempt to reveal "Apologetic Smoke Screens" for the dishonest tactics they really are.
JOE LoSARDO, pastor of Bread of Life Fellowship in Totowa, New Jersey (see, a theologically Reformed and baptistic Christian congregation, will address "SKEPTICS OUT OF THE CLOSET: The Rise in Popularity of Atheist Ideology". Pastor LoSardo also possesses a PhD in the Molecular Biology of Cancer from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, New York, and left his career in science in order to answer his call to the Gospel ministry.
In His grip,
Christopher J. Arnzen, host of "Iron Sharpens Iron"
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Special Request
If you enjoy and are blessed by the broadcasts I host (heard live Monday through Friday in NY & CT on WNYG-1440AM and heard worldwide via live-streaming on 3-4PM Eastern), I have a special request of you as I am approaching my program's FIRST ANNIVERSARY on the air this Monday!
I would be grateful if you would take a few minutes of your time to thank the premiere sponsor of "Iron Sharpens Iron", Dan Buttafuoco of the law firm of Buttafuoco & Associates, by paying a visit to his web site: Click on their link. After clicking on CONTACT, scroll down and enter the information of your appreciation for Iron Sharpens Iron in the LARGER windows on the RIGHT side of the page.
It will also be *tremendously* helpful to "Iron Sharpens Iron" if you contact Dan whenever you, a friend, a fellow church member or loved one is in need of legal counsel. Call Dan's toll-free number for your legal needs at 1-800-Now-Hurt (1-800-669-4878). Even if you live in an area other than New York, Dan has worked with legal firms with reputations for excellence in many parts of the United States and will help match you with the firm he believes will best suit your needs.
I highly recommend, also, that you inform your pastor that Dan Buttafuoco is Founder & Director of The Historical Bible Society. Dan travels to churches and schools throughout the New York metropolitan area with a portion of the Society's breathtaking collection of very rare and historic Bibles and religious books of antiquity (including a First Edition 1611 King James Bible, a First Edition Foxe's Book of Martyr's, a page from the priceless Gutenberg Bible and much more), and gives a fascinating lecture on how we came to receive God's Word in the English language. Young and old alike in Dan's audiences are typically riveted by his demonstrations (for which he charges NO fee!). Someone other than myself who can also highly recommend Dan for his presentations for the Society is Pastor Rich Jensen of Hope Reformed Baptist Church in Medford, NY, and Headmaster of Grace Christian Academy in Merrick, who can be contacted at (516)379-2223 (Grace Christian Academy) or at (631)696-5711 (church office).
Feel free to call Dan at his toll-free number, 1-800-Now-Hurt, for either his legal services or for information about The Historical Bible Society, but please do not tie up his phone lines merely to compliment the "Iron Sharpens Iron" radio program. To thank Dan for his sponsorship of the radio program, please use his web site exclusively. However, ANYTIME you contact Dan, regardless of which reason, PLEASE ALWAYS MENTION "IRON SHARPENS IRON" and WNYG Radio!
As I mentioned earlier, I would be most grateful to all who enjoy "Iron Sharpens Iron" and who help the program in these ways. This program would most likely not continue to air without the faithful and generous sponsorship of Buttafuoco & Associates. Please also keep *me* in mind to *advertise* your own church, business or other organization on "Iron Sharpens Iron". My contact information is included below.
Thank you for reading this request, and for your prayerful consideration of its contents. Grace and peace!
In His grip,
Chris Arnzen
"Iron Sharpens Iron", host
Friday, August 24, 2007
CALL IN WITH *ANY* QUESTION regarding the Christian Faith.
(No MP3, no Internet feed on Friday 8/24)
Thursday, August 23, 2007
David Innes: ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: A Christian Response
DAVID INNES, Assistant Professor of Politics & Assistant Chairman of the Politics, Philosophy & Economics Program at The King's College in New York City will address "ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: A Christian Response". David also operates a blogger site Principalities and Powers. He and his family are members of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Franklin Square, NY .
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
WILLIAM NORMAN GRIGG, a former High Priest in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ("the Mormons") who converted to Evangelical Christianity, returns to our program, this time to address his personal "TESTIMONY OF CONVERSION FROM MORMONISM TO BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY". My cohost during this broadcast will be Pastor Marc Grimaldi of Grace Reformed Baptist Church of Long Island in Merrick, NY.
This is a timely interview due to the extremely controversial motion picture "SEPTEMBER DAWN", starring Academy Award winning actor Jon Voight , scheduled to debut this Friday, August 24th (see This film is based on the truly historical event known as "The Mountain Meadows Massacre", a horrific event in our nation's history which, ironically, occurred on September 11th, 1857, involving the brutal murder of 120 men, women and children by a Mormon militia. These innocent victims were emigrants, mostly from Arkansas, traveling to California who had the misfortune of passing through the Utah territory during the infamous "Utah War" between Mormon settlers and the United States federal government. These Mormon assassins only spared the lives of 17 of the youngest children. To hear Mr. Grigg's other recent interview on "Iron Sharpens Iron" during which he specifically addressed "The Mountain Meadows Massacre" (which originally aired on August 7th), click here
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
MP3 available here
STEVE CAMP, award winning Christian recording artist & composer, apologist, conference speaker, controversial Christian blogger, former Minister of Music under Dr. John MacArthur at Grace Community Church in San Fernando Valley, CA and founder & director of AudienceOne Ministries will address "DIVORCE & REMARRIAGE IN THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH".
This is a very controversial and highly debated subject within the church, even within the same denominations and congregations amongst the most conservative, Reformed and Fundamentalist Christians. Steve Camp, who himself experienced the agony of a painful divorce, against his will to the end, believes there are *some* cases when Christians may, in good conscience and without violating Scripture, remarry after a divorce. We invite calls from those who disagree with Steve's position, as well as from those who agree with him, and from those who are not certain either way, who wish to participate in the broadcast.
Listen to this broadcast
(Steve Camp began discussing this topic last week on the August 15, ISI show. Listen to that broadcast here)
Monday, August 20, 2007
Former Roman Catholic Priest
MP3 available here
Richard Bennett, a former Roman Catholic priest (who served in the priesthood for 22 years) who converted to Evangelical Protestantism in 1985, and who later founded a ministry called "Berean Beacon" will address "POPE BENEDICT XVI's RECENT DENUNCIATION OF ALL NON-ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHES". To read Richard's personal testimony of conversion visit this link.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Featuring RON GLASS (Wading River Baptist Church, Wading River, NY), BRUCE BENNETT (Grace Gospel Church, Patchogue, NY) & DENNIS SWANSON (The Master's Seminary, California)
Thursday, August 16, 2007
J. LIGON DUNCAN III: "The New Perspective on Paul"
DR. J. LIGON DUNCAN III, Senior Minister of the First Presbyterian Church of Jackson, Mississippi , will address "THE HERESIES OF THE NEW PERSPECTIVE ON PAUL". Dr. Duncan is also the former Chairman of the Department of Systematic Theology, and the John R. Richardson Professor of Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, MS. At RTS he was responsible for teaching courses such as Systematic Theology, Ethics, Apologetics, History of Philosophy and Christian Thought, Covenant Theology, Patristics, Evangelism, and Theology of the Westminster Standards. He became the Senior Minister of First Presbyterian, Jackson in 1996. He was elected the Moderator of the General Assembly of the PCA (2004-2005) – the youngest minister to serve as moderator in the denomination’s history.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Part #2: STEVE CAMP: "Divorce & Remarriage in the Christian Church"
MP3 available here
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
MP3 available here
Pastor of Faith Tabernacle in West Babylon, Long Island, NY (Church of God, Cleveland, TN), JOE CEDZICH, pastor of Sheepgate Assembly in Baldwin, Long Island, NY (Independent/Pentecostal), and JIM CAPO, pastor of Massapequa Church of God in Massapequa, Long Island, NY (Church of God, Cleveland, TN), will address "DISTURBING TRENDS IN MODERN PENTECOSTALISM & THE CHARISMATIC MOVEMENT". All three of these pastors are members of Pentecostal denominations themselves. Those of you who missed this broadcast can hear it by clicking here.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Roundtable discussion featuring AL STEIN (Neighborhood Assembly of God, Bellmore, NY), JIM CAPO (Massapequa Church of God, Massapequa, NY), DAVID ANGLIN (St.Paul's Lutheran Church, Amityville, NY) & BOB CAMERON (Mount Carmel Church, Somerset, NJ)
Thursday, August 9, 2007
MP3 available here
DR. JAMES R. WHITE, renowned author, Bible scholar, debater and Founder & Director of Alpha & Omega Ministries , a theologically Reformed, Evangelical Protestant apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona, will conduct a "REVIEW OF WEDNESDAY'S INTERVIEW WITH GERRY MATATICS" (see above). Dr. White is perfectly suited to provide commentary due to the fact that he debated Gerry Matatics on the subject of the Papacy in Denver during "World Youth Day" in 1993 (he had previously debated him on the subject in 1990 in Tempe, a debate moderated by Scott Hahn). According to Dr. White, it remains one of the clearest refutations of Rome's claims to papal primacy offered by Alpha & Omega Ministries. A full seven hours worth of debate (real debate, not radio programs with callers, commercials, and the like, debate---the real thing) during which Mr. Matatics defended the very institution he *now* claims is in apostasy. For those interested, I would direct anyone to every single one of the debates Dr. White has done on the Papacy in general, and papal infallibility in particular, which includes debates against Catholic apologists Gerry Matatics, Robert Sungenis, Tim Staples, and Mitch Pacwa, offered at Gerry Matatics has agreed to have some interaction with Dr. White during this extremely controversial, live broadcast.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
GERRY MATATICS: "Sedevacantism: Part 1"

GERRY MATATICS, the very first minister ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) to convert to Roman Catholicism, who at one time was one of the most highly sought after apologists, debaters and conference speakers within "mainstream", conservative Roman Catholicism (having worked along side such renowned Catholic apologists as Scott Hahn, and other well known apologists affiliated with Catholic Answers), will address his most recently embraced theological position "SEDEVACANTISM": the theology of a sector within "Traditional" Catholicism that claims THERE HAVE BEEN *NO* LEGITIMATE POPES FOR OVER 40 YEARS TO THE PRESENT (and that all those who have claimed to be within the Papal Succession of Pope Pius XII to the present are not even to be considered genuine Roman Catholics). Mr. Matatics, along with other "sedevacantists", also reject all those professing to be priests ordained since Vatican II as *illegitimate* priests and *false* Catholics with no genuine power or authority to administer the Sacraments of the "true" Catholic Church. Those who may be most well known today connected with this extremely controversial movement are Academy Award winner Mel Gibson and his father Hutton. Gerry Matatics is also featured as a commentating theologian on the DVD for Mel Gibson's blockbuster film "The Passion of the Christ, Director's Cut."
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
WILLIAM NORMAN GRIGG: "Mountain Meadows Massacre"
WILLIAM NORMAN GRIGG, a former High Priest in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ("the Mormons") who converted to Evangelical Christianity, returns to our program to address "THE MOUNTAIN MEADOWS MASSACRE", a horrific event in our nation's history which, ironically, occurred on September 11th, 1857, involving the brutal murder of 120 men, women and children by a Mormon militia. These innocent victims were emigrants, mostly from Arkansas, traveling to California who had the misfortune of passing through the Utah territory during the infamous "Utah War" between Mormon settlers and the United States federal government. These Mormon assassins only spared the lives of 17 of the youngest children. This is a timely interview due to the extremely controversial motion picture "SEPTEMBER DAWN", starring Academy Award winning actor Jon Voight , scheduled to debut on August 24th (see
Monday, August 6, 2007
JAMES SWAN: "Martin Luther Myths"
JAMES SWAN, who is involved in teaching ministry at the Pompton Plains Reformed Bible Church in New Jersey, will address the most popular "MARTIN LUTHER MYTHS", which continue to be widely spread nearly 500 years after the death of the Great Reformer, either maliciously or in ignorance by enemies of the Reformation, or even at times naively by its heirs. Mr. Swan is also a member of "Team Apologian", contributing articles to the blog on the web site of renowned Bible scholar Dr. James R. White's Alpha and Omega Ministries , contributes Reformation articles for Christian apologist Dr. Eric Svendsen's New Testament Research Ministries' website, and has had articles published in the Reformed periodical, The Outlook . He also runs his own daily blog, Beggars All: Reformation and Apologetics , dedicated to historical and Biblical research on the Protestant Reformation.