Tuesday, August 12, 2008


MP3 Available Here

PASTOR BOBBY & NANCY ALOMODOVAR, founders of Tulip Reformed Church and Silent Cry Ministries in Ridgewood, Queens, NY, will provide "AN INTRODUCTION TO TULIP REFORMED CHURCH: New Sponsors of Iron Sharpens Iron."

Pastor Bobby will also give a summary of his testimony of having been raised Roman Catholic, later becoming Pentecostal, and eventually embracing the Reformed Faith. Pastor Bobby's wife Nancy will explain that before she came to adopt Reformed Theology, she was raised in a home that can trace its family's connection with Arminian Pentecostal theology all the way back to Edward Irving and his Catholic Apostolic Church, a 19th century precursor of the Pentecostal Holiness movement of the early 20th century. Along their path before becoming Reformed Christians both Pastor Bobby and Nancy also became involved in the Word of Faith movement, the Deliverance movement and other heresies within Pentecostalism before having their eyes opened by the Sovereign Grace of God in order to see the dangerous fallacy of these aberrant teachings.

Nancy is the author of three books, including her very recently published work (her first written as a Reformed Christian) titled "A Modern Ninety-Five: Questions Today's Evangelicals Need to Answer,"the theme of which Nancy discussed along with a more detailed version of her personal testimony during a previously aired interview on "Iron Sharpens Iron", which you can hear by clicking here.

Here's a commendation for "Iron Sharpens Iron" written by Nancy Almodovar:

"Thank you for your program IRON SHARPENS IRON. In an evangelical environment that tends to scorn a faith that thinks it is refreshing to listen to guests who know not only what they believe but why they believe it, and can engage the culture in a manner that forces unbelievers to recognize the validity of the Christian Faith. Your program also calls evangelicals to examine their own faith and what they are being fed via other psuedo-christian programs... Since both my interview and my husband, Pastor Bobby's time on the Pastors Roundtable, God has done much for Tulip Reformed Church...

...Our small 'house church' tripled in size the first sunday and almost doubled the following week. All this came about through your program and ministry. And, it is indeed a much needed ministry not only here in New York and Long Island but globally. May the Lord continue to bless you abundantly as you serve Him on the airwaves and via the internet."

---Nancy Almodovar, Silent Cry Ministries, Tulip Reformed Church, Ridgewood, NY, author of "A Modern Ninety-Five: Questions Today's Evangelicals Need to Answer"

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Iron Sharpens Iron 30 Day Archive

"As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend"- Proverbs 27:17